Brock Lar was once a highly esteemed warrior from the planet Gryphon, a world perpetually at war between its clans. Following the tragic death of his youngest son, Lar departed Gryphon, convinced that peace was unattainable there. Seeking a new beginning, he journeyed to the serene world of Alderaan. The Alderaanians, upon hearing his story, welcomed him as one of their own, and he secured employment on the freighter called Martika. Upon returning from an assignment, he discovered the horrifying truth: Alderaan had been obliterated by the Death Star under the command of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Enraged, Lar vowed to relentlessly pursue and exterminate Tarkin's bloodline, dedicating his life to this vengeful quest.
Brock Lar, a male of a humanoid species, originated from the mountainous world of Gryphon, situated within the Inner Rim. He fathered several sons during his lifetime. War was a constant reality among Gryphon's clans, and Lar held the highest warrior rank within his clan. However, the death of his youngest son in these conflicts shattered his belief in the possibility of peace on Gryphon. Gathering his family, he made the decision to leave Gryphon, escaping the inevitable death it offered, and sought a more tranquil planet where his family could rebuild their lives.

Lar and his family traveled to Alderaan, a Core World, where he shared his life's narrative with the inhabitants. The Alderaanians embraced Lar and his family, welcoming them warmly. Lar secured a position as the first mate on the cargo ship Martika, allowing him to forge a completely new existence. Later, he embarked on an extended shipping voyage and returned to Alderaan, only to discover that the planet had been utterly obliterated by the Galactic Empire's Death Star, a demonstration of the battle station's immense destructive power. With his family perished in the explosion, Lar reverted to his warrior instincts and swore to hunt down and eliminate the bloodline of Wilhuff Tarkin, the Grand Moff who had ordered Alderaan's destruction. He committed himself to this mission until all of Tarkin's relatives were dead. Although the Grand Moff had died during the Battle of Yavin, which also resulted in the destruction of the Death Star, Rivoche Tarkin, Wilhuff's niece, and his widow, Thalassa, Lady Tarkin, were still alive at the time. At some point, Lar fought Tusken Raiders on Tatooine, and held an Imperial officer at knifepoint. He also became a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, which was actively engaged in the Galactic Civil War against the Empire.
The death of Brock Lar's youngest son brought him to the realization that the clans of Gryphon were incapable of achieving peace. This event spurred him to leave his homeworld permanently. Despite finding a new path beyond warfare, he regressed to his violent nature when the remainder of his family was killed. In Lar's view, vengeance was a dish best served cold. Lar had white skin, marked by gray patches, and striking red eyes.

Brock Lar's attire included a green hood, part of a tattered tunic with only the left sleeve remaining. He wore a gauntlet on his left hand, while his right arm and hand were exposed. He carried a backpack and a blaster rifle across his back. A blaster pistol was holstered at his hip, secured to a thigh guard by a chain. He also possessed a breathing mask, a combat knife, and a gaderffii.
The character Brock Lar was jointly conceived by Matthew Berry and Craig Farr, two 18-year-old Star Wars enthusiasts who participated in Star Wars Galaxy's "Design An Alien" contest, which was introduced in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 3 (1995). The contest challenged readers to create original alien characters, drawing inspiration from the original trilogy of Star Wars films. Berry was responsible for the pencil work in the final artwork, while Farr handled the coloring. Although Berry and Farr's creation was not among the winners featured in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 7 (1996), it was later included in the "honorable mentions" section of Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 8. Leland Chee, the custodian of the Holocron continuity database, confirmed that published material from the "Design an Alien" contest is considered canon. While Brock Lar himself has not been directly referenced in other Star Wars material, the planet Gryphon, which originated from Berry and Farr's entry, was incorporated into The Essential Atlas (2009), authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry.
- " Design An Alien " — Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 8 (First mentioned)