
On the icy planet of Hoth, there existed a sentient species known as the Skels. These primitive beings were pack hunters, known for their unprovoked attacks on anything they encountered. Adept at burrowing beneath the snow, they thrived in the planet's extreme cold. Their homes were the caves nestled within Hoth's mountains. The name "Skels" originated as a moniker given by soldiers during the Cold War fought between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire.

Biology and appearance

The Skels were a species that walked on two legs, with adults reaching heights of up to 1.2 meters. Their bodies were naturally agile, and they possessed protective tusks protruding from their snouts. Their hands were equipped with strong, bony claws, which they used to dig through the snow and ice. A dense, thick fur coat provided insulation against the frigid temperatures of environments like Hoth. This fur was so effective that they could endure conditions much colder than Hoth's average temperature without needing shelter.

Society and culture

Skels would hunt in packs.

Skels possessed a primitive, yet structured, society and displayed aggressive tendencies. They spent their days wandering the frozen wastes of Hoth. Their communication consisted of a series of snarls and grunts. For shelter, they inhabited caves situated in the mountainous regions of Hoth. Due to the limited food sources on Hoth, Skels hunted together in packs, exhibiting boldness in their pursuits. This scarcity drove them to attack anything without warning, including Imperial Viper probe droids. Some Skels even crafted clubs from the severed limbs of other Skels.


The Skels evolved on Hoth, an isolated, ice-covered planet located in the Anoat sector within the Outer Rim region of the galaxy. As the only sentient inhabitants, the well-organized Skels considered the planet their own. During the Cold War, Hoth became a battleground involving the Sith Empire, the Galactic Republic, and a pirate group known as the White Maw. The Skels remained neutral, viewing all participants as unwelcome intruders to be repelled.

Behind the scenes

Brian Fraim, a 22-year-old Star Wars enthusiast, conceived "The Skels of Hoth" for the "Design An Alien" contest organized by Star Wars Galaxy magazine. The competition, announced in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 3 (1995), challenged readers to design entirely new alien species, drawing inspiration from the original trilogy of Star Wars films. Although Fraim's submission wasn't featured with the winners in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 7 (1996), it was showcased as an "honorable mention" in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 10 (1997). Leland Chee, the keeper of the Holocron continuity database, later confirmed that successfully published "Design an Alien" entries were considered canon. The Skels remained unmentioned in other Star Wars media until the 2011 release of Star Wars: The Old Republic. However, the term "skel" appeared as a derogatory term in Republic 65 (2004), though it is uncertain if this usage refers to the species.

