Sarna and Danu of the planet Drogheda shared the same father; that father was also the father of Sarna. This man was the leader of the Drogheda Mining Company, and he designated his oldest daughter, Sarna, as his successor within the corporation. The father of Sarna grew quite wary when Lando Calrissian started showing affection for his daughter; he was both protective of her and his considerable assets. Ultimately, he concluded that Calrissian intended to wed Sarna as a means to gain control of the family's fortune and their thriving mining operations. To thwart Calrissian's scheme, he expelled him from both his planet and his daughter's life.
Some years after the Battle of Endor, Queen Sarna summoned Calrissian back to Drogheda. By this time, Sarna's father had died.