Sarna, who reigned as the Queen of Drogheda during the Galactic Empire's most powerful era, had a youthful dalliance with Lando Calrissian. Calrissian's initial motive was to wed her for her considerable wealth. However, Sarna's father discovered this scheme and expelled Calrissian from both Drogheda and his daughter's life. Despite her sorrow, Sarna accepted her father's judgment and ended her relationship with Calrissian.
After the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor, Sarna faced a challenge to her authority from the local population, who desired a democratic system. In an attempt to find someone capable of suppressing the revolutionaries, she reached out to Calrissian, misleading him by claiming that the Empire was funding the rebels. Calrissian arrived on Drogheda but quickly discerned the truth. Sarna attempted to prevent Calrissian from escaping and informing the Rebellion, but he evaded her grasp and assisted Danu, Sarna's sister and a secret agent for the revolutionaries, in overthrowing Sarna's reign. As the revolutionaries celebrated their triumph, they chose to exile the Queen, compensating Calrissian for removing Sarna from Drogheda. The pair then departed the planet aboard the Cobra, intending to devise a profitable venture.
On the ore-rich world of Drogheda, Sarna was born into the planet's ruling family. Her father held the position of head of the Drogheda Mining Company, a role that brought immense wealth to the family. As the eldest daughter, Sarna was designated as the heir to the business. Sarna had a younger sister, Danu, who was close to her in age, but their relationship was strained due to Danu's lack of interest in inheriting power or the family enterprise. Indeed, Danu displayed a complete disinterest in her sister and the family's affairs.
Shortly after Sarna reached adulthood, Lando Calrissian began to court her. Unbeknownst to Sarna, Calrissian hoped to marry the wealthy Queen to gain access to the family's mining empire. However, Calrissian unexpectedly found himself developing genuine feelings for her. Even after becoming the Baron Administrator of Cloud City, rumors persisted about his continued involvement with Sarna. When questioned by holojournalist Ars Fivvle shortly after his promotion, Calrissian declined to comment on his relationship with the Queen.
Simultaneously, Sarna's father discovered Calrissian's intentions to acquire a portion of the family's wealth and mining operations through marriage. To prevent this, Sarna's father banished Calrissian from Drogheda. Sarna was devastated by her father's decision but understood the necessity of protecting the family business. Although more concerned with the loss of a potential business opportunity, Calrissian himself never forgot Sarna, claiming years later that she remained unforgettable.
Approximately six weeks after Calrissian's appointment as Baron Administrator, he was attacked by a Human replica droid disguised as Sarna. The droid gained access to Calrissian's office on Cloud City and self-destructed, nearly killing Calrissian and his cyborg assistant, Lobot. Lobot contacted Sarna after the attack, but she was unaware of the droid's existence or its arranged meeting with Calrissian. Lobot and Calrissian eventually traced the droid's owner to Thune, a bounty hunter employed by Dominic Raynor, the previous Administrator of Cloud City. Calrissian then successfully persuaded Raynor to lift the bounty on his head.

Following the significant defeat of the Galactic Empire by the Rebellion at the Battle of Endor, the people of Drogheda were inspired by the idea of replacing their monarchy with a democratic government. However, Sarna was unwilling to relinquish her power. She denied the Droghedans the right to self-governance and strengthened the Drogheda Royal Guard to suppress any opposition to her rule. Harlech, the head of the Royal Guard, took the lead in defending the monarchy, scattering the supporters of democracy throughout Drogheda.
Unbeknownst to Sarna, her sister, Danu, had joined the revolutionaries, providing them with confidential information from within the Drogheda Citadel. The rebels, seeking to weaken the monarchy, seized control of the Mount Meru Mine. The suspension of mining operations under rebel control caused the ruling family's financial resources to dwindle rapidly, as the mine's profits were the monarchy's primary source of income. Desperate to resolve the crisis, Sarna decided to contact Calrissian, her former lover. Now celebrated as a hero of the Rebel Alliance, Sarna believed that Calrissian could resolve the crisis.
However, Sarna knew that Calrissian would likely be reluctant to assist her if he knew that it involved suppressing a pro-democracy movement to protect her oppressive regime. To persuade the Rebel hero to support her cause, Sarna instructed several of her guards to pose as revolutionaries and attack Calrissian upon his arrival on the planet. Sarna planned to inform Calrissian that the rebels were backed by the Empire and that her deposition would lead to the Empire's control of the planet.

Calrissian arrived on Drogheda and met with Danu, who continued to work with her sister while gathering intelligence for the revolutionaries. Sarna's disguised guards attacked Danu and Calrissian on sky-sleds, but the pair managed to commandeer a sled and fend off the attack. After making their point, the guards withdrew to allow Harlech to "rescue" the Rebel leader, and the group proceeded to Sarna's throne room in the planetary citadel. Upon meeting Calrissian, Sarna tasked her former flame with defeating the revolutionaries, presenting him with the fabricated story of the rebels being funded by the Empire.
Despite Danu's advance warning to her comrades, Calrissian successfully drove the revolutionaries out of the mine. However, witnessing the Royal Guard's attempt to massacre the revolutionaries aroused Calrissian's suspicion of Sarna's true motives. He brought one of the revolutionaries back to the citadel, and although Sarna tried to force Calrissian to hand the man over to her interrogators, Calrissian chose to interview him himself. Calrissian's suspicions deepened upon hearing the man's account, but Harlech killed the rebel before he could reveal too much. Deciding to investigate further, Calrissian uncovered Sarna's deception in a local cantina. He immediately returned to the citadel to confront Sarna and announced his departure. Realizing that Calrissian's departure with knowledge of her oppressive regime would pose a significant threat, Sarna ordered her guards to capture him. However, Calrissian overpowered Harlech, broke free, and ultimately joined forces with the revolutionaries.

Enraged by her guards' failure, Sarna ordered them to track down Calrissian, fearing that he might bring the Rebellion to Drogheda. Simultaneously, the revolutionaries resolved to attack and overthrow the monarchy. Danu signaled her allies by detonating explosives within the munitions room inside the citadel. Recognizing the signal, the revolutionaries launched their attack on the fortress. Amidst the chaos, the Royal Guards managed to capture only Danu and brought her to the throne room. As Danu taunted Harlech for his inability to locate Calrissian, the Rebel hero crashed into the throne room through an upper window, having been pursued by Sarna's Royal Guard.
As those in the throne room were shocked by Calrissian's entrance, the Rebel quickly took Sarna hostage. However, Harlech had no intention of saving his Queen, hoping to seize the throne upon Sarna's death. As Harlech ordered his men to kill both Calrissian and Sarna, the revolutionaries stormed the citadel and incapacitated Harlech. Danu thanked Calrissian for his assistance but ordered him to leave immediately, as he had only come to the world to aid the now-deposed Sarna. However, Danu offered Calrissian a reward if he would take Sarna off-world into exile. Sarna was horrified by her sister's actions, but Calrissian accepted the deal, taking Sarna away from Drogheda in his ship, the Cobra.
As they departed, Sarna attempted to persuade Calrissian to join her in a new scheme, with herself as the mastermind and Calrissian as the muscle. Calrissian scoffed at her claim of being the brains, and the two began to argue as they left the system.

Sarna possessed a manipulative nature and a strong desire for power. She was willing to exploit anyone, even her own sister, to maintain her position as Queen of Drogheda. She exhibited a degree of bloodthirstiness and was not opposed to torturing prisoners during the civil war. Similarly, when Calrissian attempted to leave Drogheda after discovering her deception, she sought to have him killed immediately. However, despite her scheming, she lacked self-awareness. She expected unwavering obedience from her subordinates and was surprised when they failed to follow her commands precisely. Consequently, she was frequently betrayed, and during the Drogheda Civil War's conclusion, she was betrayed by Lando Calrissian, her sister, and her closest confidant, Harlech.
Although primarily self-serving, Sarna also harbored a romantic side. She succumbed to Calrissian's charm, despite his initial intention to marry her solely for her wealth. When Sarna's father banished Calrissian from Drogheda, Sarna was heartbroken, and during the crisis on her world following the Battle of Endor, Calrissian was her first thought when seeking assistance. Following her exile from Drogheda, Sarna hoped that Calrissian would collaborate with her on a profitable venture.
Linda Grant created Sarna for use in Marvel Star Wars' Star Wars 83. At the comic's conclusion, Sarna departs her homeworld with Calrissian. However, she did not reappear in the Marvel series, leaving her ultimate fate unknown. Sarna received an indirect mention in the Wizards of the Coast online article, Bespin: Action Tidings, during a written interview with Lando Calrissian following his appointment as Baron Administrator of Cloud City. The Queen of Drogheda mentioned to Calrissian by Ars Fivvle in the article alludes to Sarna.