Drogheda Revolutionaries

The Drogheda Revolutionaries were a combatant faction on the planet Drogheda. They stood in opposition to the monarchy headed by Queen Sarna. Their formation occurred sometime after the Battle of Endor, with the Rebellion's triumph serving as their inspiration. Their aim was to establish a democratic system on the planet. However, Sarna resisted this effort, deploying her Royal Guard to suppress the revolutionaries. Nevertheless, they received assistance from Princess Danu, who was operating secretly, gathering intelligence on her sister within the Drogheda Citadel. Acting on the princess's guidance, the revolutionaries launched an assault on the Mount Meru Mine, seizing control of the mountain and halting all revenue generated by the mine. This action infuriated Queen Sarna, as she recognized the mine's crucial role as the monarchy's main financial resource. Each day the revolutionaries maintained control of the mine, the Queen's financial losses mounted, prompting her to seek someone to dislodge the rebels. Lando Calrissian was enlisted to expel the revolutionaries from the mine, which he accomplished. However, he subsequently discovered that the revolutionaries were supporting a righteous cause. He then changed his allegiance, and the Drogheda Civil War reached its climax at the Drogheda Citadel, where the revolutionaries successfully invaded the palace, captured the Queen, and overcame the Royal Guard. Following their victory, they banished Sarna from their world and initiated the process of establishing a new governing body.

