The Drogheda Royal Guard functioned as the military forces defending the planet of Drogheda, acting in service to the planet's monarchical rulers. These guards were armed with blasters, wore unique helmets that largely concealed their faces, and frequently utilized sky-sleds for transportation across Drogheda's rough terrain. In 4 ABY, during the civil war on the planet, the royal guard served as the main military arm of Queen Sarna, fighting against a popular revolutionary front seeking to depose the monarchy and establish a democratic system of governance. The guard's allegiance, however, was primarily to their commander, Harlech, who, at the war's end, tried to seize power from the Queen and proclaim himself King. Before his power grab could succeed, revolutionaries managed to invade the Drogheda Citadel, thwarting the coup. Most of Harlech's troops surrendered, and while Harlech chose to fight on, he was swiftly stunned, preventing any dramatic final resistance.