
Sarranket was a world of landmasses. It was located within the Sarranket system, which itself resided within the Brevost sector. The sector fell under the Trailing Sectors region, which was a part of the larger Expansion Region.

A short time after the Battle of Yavin, a Rebel Alliance team journeyed to the Outer Rim Territories planet Narg. Their mission was to rescue the captured singer Crying Dawn Singer. The Rebels believed she was being held at the TransGalMeg Industries, Incorporated Administration Center in the city of Grig. While traveling from Grig Starport to the TGM Administration Center, the Rebel group went into the Free Access Grill. The grill claimed to be the only establishment serving aliens on the Humanocentrist planet. Because of this, its clientele mainly consisted of individuals stranded on Narg for various reasons, who were eager to encounter fellow off-worlders. As the Rebels entered the grill bar, one of the patrons inquired if they were aware of the recent happenings on Sarranket.

Behind the scenes

Sarranket first appeared in The Abduction. This roleplaying adventure, published in 1992 by West End Games, was written by Chuck Truett to be used with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Sarranket is mentioned in the adventure's dialogue if the player characters visit the Free Access Grill on Narg. This article assumes the scenario unfolds as described. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, placed the Sarranket system, and by extension the planet itself, in grid square O-15.

