The operation known as the Mission to Coruscant was undertaken by Jaden Korr in the year 14 ABY as part of the Disciples of Ragnos crisis.
Following reports concerning a surge of illicit assassin droids appearing on the Invisible Market, the New Republic reached out to the New Jedi Order with the goal of apprehending Lannik Racto, a minor crime boss suspected of being the source of these illegal droids. Jaden Korr, due to being a native of Coruscant, was selected to execute this mission.

After locating Racto's base of operations, Korr piloted his ship, the Far Wanderer, to a nearby landing platform. As he moved toward a bridge that provided access to the building, Racto revealed himself, taunted Jaden, and then detonated an explosive charge, causing the bridge to collapse.
This forced Korr to seek an alternative route, navigating across ledges and skywalks to gain entry to the building. Numerous mercenaries and assassin droids were deployed to ambush Korr along the way, but none were successful in stopping the Jedi, who eventually made his way to Racto's office.
Inside the building, Korr encountered Sith Cultists, who he defeated with ease. Proceeding to the upper level, he surprised Racto, who had assumed that Korr would have been defeated. As a last resort, Racto locked himself inside a blast-proof room and released a squad of assassin droids. After a period of silence, Racto unlocked the room, believing that Korr was dead. Korr, who was standing behind Racto, activated his lightsaber near Racto's throat. Racto then surrendered without resistance.

With Racto in custody, and having revealed the location of his factory on Nar Shaddaa, the New Republic was able to quickly shut it down. Korr would later come across some of these droids on Vjun. For the New Jedi Order, this signified the removal of another supporter and financial contributor to the Disciples of Ragnos. Within Racto's office, a number of artifacts were discovered, including a bust of Marka Ragnos, which was confiscated by the Jedi Order.