
The following describes the Segmi.

The Segmi were sentient beings that originated on Kathol, brought into existence by the ancient Kathol construct referred to as the DarkStryder. Their genetic makeup was designed to establish a builder race, taking the place of the exiled Charr Ontee. They manifested as a race of enormous worms capable of secreting a resinous material, which they employed to construct the load-bearing frameworks of structures. After the Darkstryder's fortified dwelling was completed, the Segmi's function was fulfilled, and they dispersed, establishing their own society. Similar to the majority of Kathol's servants, the Segmi also gained the ability to influence the Ta-Ree life force that permeated Kathol's ancient planet. Certain individuals within the Segmi population were re-captured when the Darkstryder needed new components fabricated within its stronghold.

