The Semipro Podracing Circuit consisted of seven podracing tracks situated on various planets located within the Outer Rim territories. Starting and concluding on Aquilaris, these courses were considered to be more challenging and extensive compared to those featured in the Amateur Circuit, yet not as demanding as the Galactic Podracing Circuit.
With races on Aquilaris serving as both the starting and ending points, the circuit also included returns to Ando Prime, Malastare, and Mon Gazza, presenting more complex variations of their Amateur Circuit tracks. Furthermore, it showcased the inaugural races held on Ord Ibanna and Baroonda.
Successfully completing races within the Semipro Circuit made available the following playable characters: "Bullseye" Navior, Ratts Tyerell, Wan Sandage, Boles Roor, Neva Kee, and Ark "Bumpy" Roose. Achieving a first-place finish in every race unlocked the second race within the Invitational Podracing Circuit.