Senate Action Subcommittee

A Senate Action Subcommittee represented a short-term committee within the Galactic Senate, created on a temporary basis to address particular and restricted matters.

In the time of the Clone Wars, several additional action subcommittees came into being, with each one supervising the Galactic Republic's management of the war's progression for different regions and sectors located across the galaxy.

Following the fall of the planet Duro to the Confederacy of Independent Systems during 20 BBY, and the exposure of the fact that the Senate Action Subcommittee for Corellian Trade Spine Defense's dishonest chairman had rerouted vessels away from Duro to Iseno in exchange for a payoff, a wave of public anger was directed at the Senate. This situation prompted an initiative to reorganize—or perhaps even eliminate—the war action subcommittees, with the intention of transferring their authorities to the Supreme Chancellor. Senators Lexi Dio and Padmé Amidala voiced their disagreement with this action, arguing that it would restrict the autonomy of sectors and suppress the Senate's ability to express its views.

It is believed that the Sector Governance Decree resulted in the termination of the war action committees, transferring their authority to the Moffs.

