Seregar Turnabout

Sengar Turnabout is an adventure module designed for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, and it was initially published within the pages of the resource book, No Disintegrations.

Plot summary

On Kwenn Space Station, a team of bounty hunters is contacted by a former associate, Jerik Snivas. He informs them about a fresh contract issued by TaggeCo concerning Tern Ashandrik, who is wanted for attacking several of their mining operations. Jerik discovered that Tern is lying low on Seregar and proposes holding back the contract's announcement, giving the player characters an advantage in securing the bounty, in exchange for a portion of the payout. Upon the group's agreement, they journey to Seregar to explore different rumors and clues to pinpoint Tern's secret location. Throughout their investigation, they team up with a Twi'lek bounty hunter named Lliandri. She accompanies them to a decisive showdown at a derelict refinery situated west of Storrd Township, where the truth is revealed: she has been working with Tern all along to claim a bounty placed on the heroes themselves. The group is forced to either battle their way out or give up and face the consequences.

