Serenno fleet

A group of ships from the Imperial Navy was operating around Serenno. A commander was in charge of this group of ships, which included multiple Imperial Star Destroyers.


The Imperial Navy group of ships stationed at Serenno was made up of several Imperial Star Destroyers.


The Imperial Navy dispatched a fleet to Serenno (pictured).

Following the Imperial Intelligence operative Jahan Cross's prevention of Borgin's attempt to abduct the young Count Bron Dooku, a group of ships, under the command of a commander, was sent to the planet Serenno. The purpose was to ensure the installation of Lord Rodas Borgin as regent. After the infiltration of The Spike, Armand Isard, the Director of Imperial Intelligence, informed Cross that Lord Borgin had requested his recall from the world. He was ordered to depart with the group of ships that would arrive within thirty-two hours.

The following day, Cross met with his father, Ambassador Davim Cross, in his quarters. The elder Cross already knew about the Imperial Navy's impending arrival to resolve the regency matter and congratulated his son. Jahan argued that Borgin, not Imperial Intelligence, had summoned the Imperial Navy to Serenno and voiced his worries about Bron's well-being. Davim suggested that providing proof of Borgin's plot to assassinate the young Count might save him. Jahan couldn't provide such evidence, but his father revealed that Bron was being held at Otoh Dooku, the underwater retreat of House Dooku, for protection until the Imperial Navy's arrival.

Later, Cross met with Rodas Borgin at his castle and disclosed that he had rigged the Imperial Diplomatic Shuttle Nine-Nine-Three to explode, leading Jorrick, Lord Borgin, and Fett to believe Count Bron was dead. Cross told Rodas that the Imperial Navy's arrival at Serenno compelled him to "accelerate" the regency situation. Orom Malvern was named the Count of Serenno, supported by the Great Houses, the new Count Pero Borgin, and the commander of the Imperial group of ships.

