Shala held a low-ranking position but possessed significant age as a Hutt crime lord, and his pirate organization maintained connections with the Invids. Following the individual known as the "Ghost Jedi," he was the most despised entity on Courkrus. Acknowledging that the Ghost Jedi had avoided taking lives, Shala orchestrated an ambush within his hideout, publicly announcing his intention to eliminate the Jedi. Regrettably for the Hutt, his Twi'lek explosives specialist Rach'talik, harboring desires to take over the gang, turned against Shala, guaranteeing his demise within his own devised snare. The explosives were detonated in a sequence designed to ensure that the mine intended for Shala would explode as the final event, allowing the Hutt to perceive the betrayal before succumbing to the explosion.
Corran harnessed the energy emanating from the explosions, diverting the blast upwards and manifesting a vivid image of the Ghost Jedi raising his lightsaber. This spectacular culmination of the event subsequently dubbed the "Great Hutt Roast" solidified the notion that the Jedi had miraculously survived Shala's scheme, thereby intensifying the fear among the already apprehensive Invids.