Shamdon Kree, a Human female pilot, was affiliated with the Smugglers' Alliance during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
Following the Battle of Yavin, Shamdon Kree took up residence on Tatooine. There, she functioned as a pilot instructor within Lady Valarian's criminal organization. Furthermore, she held membership in the Smuggler Alliance, which was under the leadership of Talon Karrde. In the year 1 ABY, the Smuggler Alliance orchestrated the recruitment of several freelance pilots, leading to the formation of a starfighter squadron. Operating from the Lucky Despot situated in Mos Eisley, Shamdon Kree dispatched the Smuggler Alliance pilots on a series of assignments. These assignments were aimed at safeguarding the interests of Lady Valarian's syndicate. The missions encompassed actions such as the annihilation of Corsair starfighters within the Karthakk system, the elimination of Black Sun aces operating in the Yavin system, providing escort for Valarian freighters against attacks by Hutt pirates in the Tatoo system, and the destruction of an Imperial patrol force located in the Dantooine system. Later on, additional tasks were assigned, including escorting transports in the Karthakk system, the hijacking of Imperial transports within the Dantooine system, and the destruction of Black Sun fighters in the Yavin system.