Sheb Niktose

The Sheb Niktose was a cantina that could be found on the Outer Rim planet of Vlemoth Port. It was a part of the Mandalorian settlement called Arumorut, and was located close to a pristine mountain lake. A sign depicting a comical image of an armored Mandalorian boot kicking a Nikto's rear end made the cantina easily identifiable. The interior of the cantina had a dimly illuminated, cozy pub-like setting, and was a popular hangout spot for the local regulars. The Sheb Niktose offered a menu that included four-credit glasses of the tart beverage kri'gee, five-credit glasses of the potent spirit called tihaar, and six-credit mugs of the sweet, black ne'tra gal.

During the Galactic Empire's civil war with the rebel Alliance to Restore the Republic, a young Mandalorian bartender who was called "Adiik," which translates to "kid" in the Mando'a language, worked at the Sheb Niktose. Teroch, a Mandalorian veteran and an Arumorut resident, was sometimes seen at the Sheb Niktose, where he would enjoy ne'tra gal with his friends. When a group of rebel operatives made their way to Vlemoth Port in order to get help from the local Mandalorian mercenaries, they spent time at the Sheb Niktose as they waited to meet with Vera Beroya, the mercenaries' leader. While there, Teroch invited the rebels to join him at the bar, and the seasoned Mandalorian shared multiple shots of tihaar with the rebel agents as they discussed the history of Arumorut.

Behind the scenes

The Star Wars universe was first introduced to the Sheb Niktose cantina in the Fantasy Flight Games' Age of Rebellion adventure titled Friends Like These, which was released on December 8, 2016.

