Shiffrin, a planet situated in the Tammuz sector, could be found among the Outer Rim Territories. Kallin Bremen, a Constable, was responsible for upholding the law within a modest village located there. At one juncture, a farmer from Shiffrin unearthed substantial quantities of hfredium, a valuable ore. Consequently, the Galactic Empire established a garrison and initiated the seizure of properties belonging to the local landowners. Following his orchestration of a non-violent protest against these confiscations, Bremen met his execution. His son, Jak Bremen, subsequently departed from the planet.
Within the Shiffrin system, which forms a part of the Tammuz sector within the Slice region of the Outer Rim Territories, lay Shiffrin, a terrestrial planet. Significant deposits of hfredium, a somewhat precious ore utilized in the fabrication of weapons, were present on the planet.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, a Shiffrin farmer once came across a small pocket of hfredium. In the hope of receiving a reward, he informed the authorities of his discovery. Instead, an Imperial garrison was set up on the planet, and his land was taken from him. As the hfredium deposits on Shiffrin turned out to be much larger than initially thought, more and more landowners had their properties seized. The countryside was gradually being divided up to support the needs of the Imperial Military.
Kallin Bremen, the head constable of a Shiffrin village, argued that the Empire was not following its own rules for taking private property. He protested against the Empire's actions, but his complaints were ignored. Bremen then brought together the planet's unhappy landowners and planned and led a peaceful protest to bring their concerns to the attention of the Imperial Moff in charge of the sector. However, the commander of the Shiffrin garrison claimed that the protesters were stirring up trouble for the Rebel Alliance and had them arrested. The Moff then ordered that they all be executed. The surviving Shiffrin people were shocked by this terrible act, but they were also too afraid of more mass executions to do anything about it. Bremen's young son, Jak, fled the planet on a mining transport and began wandering the Outer Rim Territories.
Shiffrin was initially referenced within The Last Command Sourcebook, a 1994 publication authored by Eric Trautmann for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, a product of West End Games. The reference work The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, situated the Shiffrin system, and consequently the planet itself, within grid square T-15.