
title: Shorak

The Shorak were a sentient species of Near-Human origin, hailing from the planet Shor situated within the Unknown Regions. Distinguishing characteristics included a more developed musculature compared to standard Humans. Furthermore, they commonly used vibrant colors to dye their hair and adorned their arms with elaborate tattoos. Approximately a century prior to the Jedi Civil War, Shorak scouts made the discovery of the nearby world Giaca. In the subsequent half-century, multiple expeditions originating from Shorak were dispatched with the purpose of exploring this newly found planet. However, the Shorak's attempts to establish a colony on Giaca were met with an ambush by the military forces of the rival Peroenian species within the Giaca system. This event triggered a prolonged conflict between the two species, spanning three centuries. Ultimately, the Shorak emerged victorious and subsequently founded the settlement known as Station 300 on Giaca. Despite this victory, their colonization efforts proved unsuccessful, leading to the eventual abandonment of Station 300 by the Shorak.

Roughly two decades before the commencement of the Clone Wars, the Shorak made a return to Giaca, undertaking an expansion of Station 300 and renaming it "Station 3Z3." This action piqued the interest of various regional powers, including the Peroenians, in Giaca. Consequently, representatives from several other worlds established outposts on Giaca, resulting in a series of skirmishes between the Shorak and their adversaries. By the time of the Battle of Endor, the Shorak had significantly fortified Station 3Z3, enabling it to sustain a permanent Shorak colony on Giaca. By the time of the fall of the Galactic Alliance during the Sith–Imperial War, the Shorak population on Giaca had grown to exceed 50,000 individuals. Nevertheless, the Shorak were unable to completely secure control over the planet, leading to frequent military confrontations between them and the Peroenians on Giaca.


  • The Unknown Regions (First mentioned)
