Shrine of Kooroo

The Shrines of Kooroo, also known as the Temples of Kooroo, were ancient monuments fashioned from stone and found on a number of planets. Their creators and intended function remain unknown, but the Fellowship of Kooroo asserted that they were erected as tributes to Kooroo.


The Temple of Kooroo on Vaynai.

The construction of each Shrine adhered to a standardized blueprint. They consisted of three tiers: two enclosed lower levels and an open upper level, the latter featuring stone pillars that supported a roof. Doors provided access to the enclosed chambers, which sometimes housed untranslated hieroglyphs, artistic works, or even holograms. Obelisks and standing stones, arranged in a consistent pattern, were situated around each Shrine, extending outwards for up to 100 meters.

Individuals Force-sensitives have stated that the Shrines possessed an "echo" effect, reflecting their perceptions and facilitating visions across distances of light-years.


In 11 ABY, experts determined the Shrines to be in excess of 20,000 years in age.

These structures were situated on various planets scattered throughout the Outer Rim, including Gelgelar, Boztrok, Sufezz, Branteez, and Vaynai. The substantial distance separating Gelgelar, located within or near the Elrood sector, and Vaynai, positioned close to the Corporate Sector, suggests a widespread distribution of these sites. One hypothesis proposed that they formed a component of an ancient teleportation system.

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Shrine on Gelgelar, found within the Gelgelar Free Port, was occupied by the figure known as the Wise Man of Kooroo.

