Shula Shevu

Shula Pakasj Shevu began as the live-in girlfriend of Lon Shevu, and subsequently became his wife. She gifted him a gold chain, which he always wore during patrols. Upon meeting Ben Skywalker, her impression of him was that he was a pleasant and well-mannered young man.

She possessed an extensive assortment of plush animals and had been an employee at GalactiSend. She and Lon took a vacation to Naboo at one point in their relationship.

During the events of the Second Galactic Civil War, Lon Shevu secretly wed Shula, subsequently sending her back to her parents on Vaklin to ensure her well-being. Despite the couple not seeming hurried to get married previously, Ben Skywalker sensed their marriage was motivated by the potential widow's benefits Shula would receive should Lon die while investigating Darth Caedus. Later, she communicated to Lon, assuring him that the responsibility of saving the Galactic Alliance did not solely rest on his shoulders.

