The Sith-inator, a ray gun conceived by Heinz Darthenshmirtz, possessed the ability to convert its target into a follower of the Sith order. The Force served as the power source for this device. Darthenshmirtz planned to use the weapon on himself, with the goal of surpassing the wickedness of Darth Vader and becoming an even more formidable Sith Lord. Nevertheless, during a test-firing attempt aimed at Perry the Rebel-pus, the ray instead struck Ferb Fletcher, transforming him into the Sith warrior known as "Darth Ferb." Subsequently, Ferb altered the machine with the intention of building a legion of Sith warriors, but his plans were thwarted by his stepbrother Phineas Flynn and his stepsister Candace, who had been separated from the family for a long time. They successfully dismantled the Sith-inator, thereby restoring Ferb to his original state.