Sith Emperor's chambers

The Great Sith Wars Bas-Relief once decorated the chambers of a Sith Emperor sometime around 4000 BBY, either during or after that period.

Behind the scenes

Sith Emperor's chambers in the Star Wars Legends continuity

The current Star Wars canon first referenced the Sith Emperor's chambers in "Coruscant," a publication from the Star Wars Encyclopedia series of reference magazines, released by De Agostini on February 9, 2021.

Concerning the Star Wars Legends continuity, the Sith Emperor's chambers, though not specifically named, initially featured in The Old Republic, Blood of the Empire Act 1: Shades of the Sith. This issue belonged to the 2010 Star Wars: The Old Republic series of comics and provided background information for the 2011 massively multiplayer online role-playing game titled Star Wars: The Old Republic.


  • " Coruscant " — Star Wars Encyclopedia (First mentioned)

Notes and references
