4,000 BBY

The year 4,000 BBY marks a significant point in galactic history; it is also referred to as -723 LY using the Lothal Calendar. This same year is designated as 3981 BFE within the framework of the Imperial calendar, and as year 3977 as per the C.R.C. calendar system.


  • A collection of human evacuees, originating from Grizmallt, made their way to Naboo. [1]
  • The destruction of the planet Ossus occurred due to the Cron Supernova. (This dating is an estimation) [1]
  • The creation of the Great Sith Wars Bas-Relief took place around this time. (This dating is an estimation) [6]
  • The [First Temple](/article/first_temple], situated on Ossus, suffered destruction. (This dating is an estimation) [1]


  • Nexus of Power
  • Star Wars 100 Objects

Notes and references
