At a point in time following the invasion of Korriban, their homeworld, by the Rakata species of the Infinite Empire and also a civil war around 27,700 BBY, the Sith Empire, under the leadership of the successors of King Adas, initiated a territorial expansion utilizing captured Rakatan technology. The Massassi warriors were deployed to seize control of adjacent planets, devastating the homes of those who resisted. It is believed that the Sith reached the furthest extents of their space, encompassing worlds including Jaguada, Krayiss II, Khar Delba, and Rhelg, and then proceeded to conquer worlds beyond the Stygian Caldera, such as Malachor V, Tund, Thule, and Arorua. They attacked Draethos, a planet under the control of the Galactic Republic, and also launched raids on Quermia, Felucia, Gand, and Florn.
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