A Sith holocron was in the possession of Valik Kodank, a Sith master, inside the Temple of Pain located in the Tascollan Nebula during the Great Hyperspace War era. Many years passed, and around 7 ABY, a team of New Republic operatives journeyed to the temple, where they studied the holocron.
This Sith holocron functioned as a repository of Sith teachings, an artifact of the Sith order steeped in the dark side. This red holocron, about the size of a Human fist, was constructed in a pyramid shape from a crystalline or glasslike substance. Seemingly fragile, it had a small crack on one of its surfaces. Inside, it housed three distinct gatekeeper personalities: Sansin Koriss, Dargous Tanmoul, and Bavik Vannor. Each could be activated by pressing a specific side panel of the holocron. Accessing the device did not require advanced skills, and these personalities freely engaged with anyone who activated it. These gatekeepers aimed to manipulate users into embracing the dark side of the Force, warning of dire consequences if they refused.
The holocron projected Sansin Korriss as a silver-tongued Sith apprentice adorned in flowing robes and jewelry, always smiling. Korriss would bargain with those who used the holocron, offering his extensive knowledge of the dark side while questioning their worthiness. Dargous Tanmoul, a powerful Sith battlemaster, appeared in dark Sith armor with a Sith sword at his side. He spoke directly, providing insights into using the Force for victory in battle, intending to incite anger and rage through his graphic descriptions. Tanmoul was the least likely to actively try to sway users to the dark side, and he took offense if this was pointed out; he valued strength and brutality, offering training to those who displayed these qualities. Bavik Vannor, a former Jedi Knight, claimed ignorance as to why his image was included in the holocron. He presented himself as regretful for his embrace of the dark side, though he secretly considered it a powerful ally. Vannor would share tales of horrors and atrocities, hoping to provoke users into succumbing to their emotions.
The Sith Empire created the holocron, which Valik Kodank took with her when she fled Sith space at the conclusion of the Great Hyperspace War, a devastating conflict between the Sith and the Galactic Republic that occurred in 5000 BBY. Kodank studied the holocron, eventually housing it within the Temple of Pain, a Sith temple she built on an asteroid deep within the Tascollan Nebula. The holocron was kept in a small room, four square meter in size, floating one meter above the floor due to a repulsor field. Many years later, during the time of the Galactic Civil War, Kodank's spirit mentored the Dark Jedi Thaum Rystra, who used the Sith holocron to expand his knowledge.
Around 7 ABY, Rystra tricked a group of New Republic agents into visiting the Temple of Pain as part of Kodank's plan to take over the body of Sha'lia, a Twi'lek Force adept. As the agents explored the temple, they found the room containing the holocron and examined it. The artifact's gatekeepers interacted with them, each attempting to persuade the team to embrace the dark side. Vannor shared Valik Kodank's personal history with the agents, while Koriss revealed that Kodank feared a Sith amulet in her private chambers that could amplify the user's Force abilities. The Sith apprentice also urged the agents to take the holocron so he could help them defeat Kodank. Subsequently, the agents left the room and soon after confronted Kodank's spirit.
The Sith holocron made an appearance in Light and Dark, a 2002 roleplaying adventure written by Lee Pickler and published by RPGA. This adventure concluded the Child of Light saga and is set within Star Wars Legends continuity. In the adventure, players take on the roles of the New Republic agents who explore the Temple of Pain. They have the opportunity to interact with the holocron and its gatekeepers, and even remove the artifact from its repulsor field and take it with them.