Sith Jedi Statue

A pair of the statues. Within the Dark Force Temple on Dromund Kaas, stood the Sith Jedi Statues. This Temple was once the domain of the Prophets of the Dark Side, who were well-versed in the practices of Sith alchemy.

Like the temple's Sith statues, the Sith Jedi statues were always still and unmoving, each gripping a lightsaber. They were created to guard against those who did not belong. When an intruder came too close, the Force animated their stone forms, likely through some form of Sith magic. Upon detecting an unwelcome presence, they would ignite their lightsabers and awaken, like stone automatons, to engage the intruder in combat.

Anyone who was not wielding a lightsaber and encountered them was destined to fail, as the Dark Force aura of the planet interfered with all mechanical weapons, with the exception of lightsabers.

Behind the scenes

Although the name Sith Jedi may seem contradictory, as it is an oxymoron, it was the name used during the production of the enemy unit on the Mysteries of the Sith official site. There is not enough information available regarding their origins or nature to dispute this naming convention.

The visual design of the in-game statue models was based on the Dark Jedi characters Yun and Jerec from Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, utilizing the same animations and similar textures.

