Unidentified Sith statues

Watcher The Watchers were unmoving Sith figures positioned around the world of Dromund Kaas, and also within the Dark Force Temple. They looked like stone forms, roughly sculpted to resemble a cloaked Human figure, bearing a sword (possibly a Sith sword).

Similar to the nearby Sith Jedi Statues, their function was to act as guardians of the swamp and the paths leading to the temple, either preventing or harming any unwelcome individuals. In some instances, their eyes would illuminate.

Despite being still, the statues seemed to perpetually observe their surroundings and react to the presence of others. They gave the impression of being somewhat aware, or at the very least, imbued with some mysterious enchantment. Employing Force Persuasion was the singular method to navigate their defenses.

Certain Watchers served a purely decorative role, or to highlight a significant location or gateway. Even so, the feeling that they were constantly on guard was ever-present.

