
The following is the rewording of the MDX content:

The Skyscreamers represented a minor faction within the Mud dwellers tribe, originating from a planet situated within the Vagadarr system. To amplify their bond with the Force, which they referred to as "stonepower", the Skyscreamers ingested fragments of blue stone infused with the Living Force. Subsequently, they engaged in meditation, uttering a "skyscream" directed towards the Force. Their aspiration was that a Force adherent from beyond the Vagadarr star system would perceive a disturbance in the Force and, guided by the Force, journey to their war-torn world. Before or during 32 BBY, their devoted supplications bore fruit when Jedi Grand Master Yoda sensed the Skyscreamers' appeal. Consequently, he embarked on a mission to the Vagadarr system prompted by the reception of the skyscream prayer.

