Skywalker (starship)

Skywalker was the designation applied to an Acclamator-class assault ship subsequent to its acquisition by the Alliance to Restore the Republic.


This particular Acclamator-class assault ship, which would become known as Skywalker, was utilized by the Galactic Empire throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War. Around eight months following the Battle of Yavin, it was tasked with the transportation of Jabiimi Loyalist prisoners to Kalist VI, where they were forced into slave labor. The ship remained stationed at that location until it was commandeered by Luke Skywalker during a Rebel mission aimed at rescuing the captured Rebel mathematician Jorin Sol, an event that also resulted in the slaves' freedom. Skywalker, along with the liberated slaves, seized control of the vessel and departed, under the protective cover of Wedge Antilles and the pilots of Red Squadron. In immediate communication transmissions, the ship was renamed Skywalker in honor of its liberator. Skywalker subsequently returned the Skywalker to the Alliance Fleet, carrying the freed slaves, Sol, and various members of the infiltration squad.

