A shuttle carrying both Vul Isen and Darth Azard nears Soheras Trench. Soheras Trench existed as an underwater trench on the planet known as Dac. During the Massacre of New Coral City, it functioned as the location of a minor prison camp, specifically Imperial Extermination Camp 28. The trench was situated a few kilometers away from a nearby rebel base, the Ranger Grotto. As part of the massacre commanded by Emperor Darth Krayt, the Sith scientist Vul Isen utilized the trench as a component in an experiment intended to produce a creature to aid in the slaughter of the Mon Calamari. Isen was successful in his endeavor, creating the Sea Leviathan, a creation modeled after the original Sith Leviathan. Isen and Darth Azard journeyed to Soheras Trench aboard an Aquatic Terrain Armored Transport with the purpose of awakening the Sea Leviathan; then, using the Force, the Sith commanded the creature to obliterate the captive Mon Calamari held within Imperial Extermination Camp 28.