Solo-class combat freighter

The Solo-class combat freighter, a medium-sized vessel for hauling cargo, was jointly produced by the Republic Engineering Corporation and SoroSuub. This collaboration occurred alongside the Fondor Shipyards, all operating under a contract issued by the Metalsmiths Guild of Vandelhelm.


Featuring a distinctive keel and a streamlined, aerodynamic form, the Solo-class was a freighter that took considerable inspiration from the design principles of the Republic era. This period valued both functionality and visual appeal equally. The Solo-class represented a completely fresh design, conceptualized as a total reimagining of the standard freighter.

The resulting design yielded a vessel capable of carrying the equivalent cargo of six drone barges, while also possessing the strength to serve as a support ship within a fleet. This was achieved through an internal structure constructed from high-grade, lightweight plasteel, along with a double-layered hull and a reinforced keel. These features incorporated super-hardened titanium plating, providing exceptional protection for the ship and its contents even in the event of complete shield failure.

For defense, the freighter was equipped with six dual turbolasers, ensuring complete 360-degree coverage, and two missile launchers. This armament proved more than sufficient for navigating combat zones. The Solo-class was fully capable of atmospheric flight, owing to its lightweight construction and aerodynamic profile. It was available for purchase in a standard configuration, or with the option of including additional droid maintenance crews.


Approximately 10 years following the Battle of Endor, the Metalsmiths Guild of Vandelhelm backed the creation of this starship. Guildmistress Lillindri Nanimei Filda Vandelhelm XXXII commissioned it to honor Han Solo for his rescue of her. Vandelhelm offered the ships to the New Republic, a long-standing ally, at a reduced price.

Solo and Nien Nunb received invitations to the launch ceremony, a two-day celebration marking the completion of the initial production run of the class. On the second day, as preparations were underway to launch a dozen of the ships, Solo, Nunb, Vandelhelm, her brother Endro, and the protocol droid bodyguard found themselves alone. Subsequently, the droid malfunctioned, but Nunb destroyed it. Solo then engaged Endro, successfully subduing him and thwarting his coup attempt.

Behind the scenes

The Solo-class combat freighter was detailed in the Vandelhelm: Enemies and Alloys installment of the Wizards of the Coast web series titled Planet Hoppers.


  • "Vandelhelm: Enemies and Alloys" on (content now obsolete; backup link) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
