Soron Hegerty

Soron Hegerty was a xenobiologist of the human female persuasion who was in the service of the Imperial Remnant during the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War. Previously, Hegerty had been employed by the Galactic Empire within the Imperial Species Identification Bureau.


Soron Hegerty spent her formative years in the Apgar system, raised by her father, who was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. When the New Order came to power, her father received orders to wrest control of the system away from its elected officials. Due to her father's influence, Soron was able to secure a position within the Imperial Species Identification Bureau. However, her time there was brief, as her recommendations were frequently disregarded, primarily because of the Galactic Empire's Human High Culture policy. Becoming disillusioned with the Empire, she began to secretly assist the Rebel Alliance. After her discovery of the Ssither, she orchestrated a fake death in a supposed accident, so she could work alongside the species, later taking the lead in relocating them from Jatee to Butler's Cove.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, at the encouragement of Moff Crowal, she lent her expertise to the Jedi in their quest to find Zonama Sekot, and she was present aboard the Jade Shadow when the planet's location was determined. A group of Ferroans who were hostile to the Jedi almost succeeded in kidnapping her.

