
The Ssither were a sentient serpentine species who originated from Jatee. Following the destruction of their planet due to their sun's supernova, they were relocated to Butler's Cove.

Biology and appearance

Ssither possessed sleek, hairless bodies characterized by a muscular, humanoid upper portion seamlessly transitioning into a serpentine lower body, culminating in a lengthy, slender tail. Mature males could elevate themselves on their tails, attaining heights of up to 2.5 meters. Their eyes were distinctive, featuring golden, spherical orbs devoid of irises.

While capable of vocal communication, they also possessed telepathic abilities. They could selectively transmit and receive thoughts and emotions between themselves and even with non-telepathic individuals. When Dr. Hegerty and a contingent of Rebels departed Butler's Cove after delivering the Ssither to their new home, they experienced a gradual weakening and eventual severing of their mental connection with the Ssither.

Culture and history

A Ssither

The Ssither hailed from the planet Jatee, situated within the Demophon system. They dwelled in caverns and tunnels, structures painstakingly created over generations. It has been theorized that they once inhabited the surface but were compelled to move underground due to a catastrophic environmental event. Eschewing the construction of cities, they preferred to wander in small familial groups, free from territorial disputes.

During the Galactic Civil War, the Ssither's existence was brought to light by Soron Hegerty, a field agent of the Imperial Species Identification Bureau. Disenchanted with the Empire's ways, Hegerty abandoned her post, commandeered the vessel used for transporting rutgar-4 from the mines into orbit, and initiated a series of raids against the Imperial mining facility, leading a group of Ssither. Unknown to her, some Imperials were already aware of the Ssither before Hegerty's arrival, and some had been forced to work in Jatee's mines prior to an explosion that led to a number of human deaths, convincing the authorities to fully automate the operation. The information regarding the existence of the Ssither was never sent to Demophon.

As the Demophon star neared its supernova stage, late in the Galactic Civil War, Dr. Hegerty, along with a team of Rebel operatives, orchestrated the rescue of a portion of the Ssither from their doomed world. Due to limited space aboard the stolen Imperial ship, The Hard Shell, they were compelled to select only the youngest and strongest individuals to ensure the species' continued survival. The Rebels then deposited the Ssither on the deserted planet of Butler's Cove.

