Jatee, positioned as the third planet within the Demophon system, served as a significant location. It housed a mining operation controlled by the Galactic Empire, focused on extracting rutgar-4. Ultimately, Jatee met its end, being destroyed when its sun underwent a supernova event.
Within the Demophon system, Jatee stood out as a mineral-rich, high-density world of considerable size. Its characteristics included substantial gravity and a dense type IV atmosphere. During the Galactic Civil War, Jatee functioned as the primary supply source of rutgar-4 for the Galactic Empire.
Originally, Jatee was inhabited by the Ssither, a tribal civilization. Following the Galactic Empire's claim over the planet, the Ssither were forced to work in the rutgar-4 mines, alongside laborers from the Empire and Sla Kar individuals originating from nearby Demophon. Later, an explosion resulted in the deaths of all Humans present on Jatee, prompting the Empire to fully automate the mining operations.
The supernova of Demophon led to the destruction of Jatee.
The Ssither were the sole sentient species native to Jatee. When the Galactic Empire initially established the rutgar-4 mines, Ssither were exploited as forced laborers. However, the explosion that led to the mine's automation also obliterated all records pertaining to the Ssither. Consequently, the species faded into obscurity, even on their own world.
Soron Hegerty, a Doctor from the Imperial Species Identification Bureau, re-established contact with the Ssither. Realizing that the Empire would not cease mining operations due to the presence of a native species, she concealed their existence. Subsequently, she spearheaded raids against the mines, leading the Ssither.
As the Demophon supernova neared, she appealed to the Alliance to Restore the Republic for assistance in evacuating the Ssither from Jatee before its inevitable destruction. The evacuated Ssither were then relocated to Butler's Cove within the Stribos system.