Spelunker probe droids represented a specific model of probe droid. The Commerce Guild's Punitive Security Forces of the Separatist faction utilized modified Spelunker probe droids, referred to as chameleon droids, for purposes of reconnaissance and acts of sabotage during the Clone Wars conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The initial mention of Spelunker probe droids within the current Star Wars canon occurred in Rise of the Separatists, a 2019 addition to Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars roleplaying game series. These droids were originally established within the Star Wars Legends continuity, making their debut in Clone Wars Chapter 14, which is the fourteenth episode of the 2004 animated series Star Wars: Clone Wars. The designation "spelunker probe droids" was first formally used within Legends in the 2006 reference publication The New Essential Guide to Droids, authored by Daniel Wallace.