Spike (pet)

Spike, a Zeldrate animal companion, belonged to Yarvok, who commanded the Nova Blades pirates. The pirate leader, Yarvok, cherished Spike, referring to the creature as his "beloved." He held similar affections for his other Zeldrate companion, Ol' Cronchy. Following a starship crash on the isolated world of Dantooine containing Yarvok's pets, Krupo, the beast handler, misplaced Spike along with several other of Yarvok's creatures. This caused Yarvok to become enraged. Yarvok threatened to kill Krupo unless his missing pets, including Spike, were swiftly recovered, because Yarvok thought they were frightened and alone on Dantooine without his protection.

Behind the scenes

The BioWare production, Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game from 2011, included a reference to Spike within the Invasive Species Codex entry on Dantooine. This reference appeared in the 2019 Onslaught expansion.

