Squad Seven (Galactic Republic)

Squad Seven was a specialized unit of a small size, brought into existence by Alpha, who was an Advanced Recon Commando. Clone Commanders Cody and Davijaan frequently took command, but Major Jorir was in charge of the squad's overall administration.


Within the squad were clone commanders with multiple skillsets, as well as pilots, marines, SCUBA troopers, demolition experts, and snipers.


Alpha of the Advanced Recon Commandos formed Squad Seven, a small group of specialists, to support high-ranking Jedi on various assignments, including specialized commando operations. Following their participation in the ARC training program, Clone Commander Cody selected a number of his fellow graduates to form the core of the elite Squad Seven. Clone Commanders Cody and Davijaan often provided leadership, with Major Jorir overseeing the squad's management.

The squad frequently accompanied Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker on numerous missions.

During the Battle of Cato Neimoidia, Squad Seven's members provided assistance to General Kenobi of the Jedi Order during his attack on the Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray's stronghold. With their support, Kenobi was able to secure Gunray's valuable mechno-chair, which held a holographic communication from Darth Sidious addressed to the Viceroy of the Trade Federation.

