Squad shield

Squad shields functioned as generators of sizable personal energy shields.


These portable deflector shield generators could be deployed onto the ground, providing a protective barrier against blaster weaponry for everything within their area of effect. Typically, the shield's coverage was sufficient to completely enclose several standing individuals. However, it proved ineffective against physical projectiles, such as those discharged from scatter guns and cycler rifles.

The protective field appeared to be designed for short-term use only, as sustained blaster fire would cause it to collapse. Furthermore, the individual who deployed the shield could remotely deactivate it. The color of the energy field generated could vary, with observed hues including bluish-purple and green.


Across numerous conflicts, squad shields saw action among various military personnel. Officers frequently carried them for use in combat scenarios. During the Clone Wars, both the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems employed these devices. Later, during the Galactic Civil War, they were used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire. Finally, during the First Order-Resistance War, the Resistance and First Order also utilized them. A model possessed by Leia Organa was more powerful than standard versions.

