Squash melon

Round, gray fruit known as squash melons were a specific type of produce. Upon bursting open, they released a yellow fluid from their interior. In 3 ABY, the Ewok named Brador was in the process of using his bordok to transport a wagon laden with squash melons. The bordok, however, proved to be uncooperative, refusing to budge. Teebo, a young Ewok who was serving as the designated leader of the village for that day, attempted to assist Brador by striking the bordok's backside. This action only served to enrage the bordok, causing it to begin wildly running throughout the village, creating widespread disruption.

As the bordok ran amok, numerous melons tumbled from the wagon, with some exploding on an Ewok's laundry and a recently constructed hut. Eventually, the bordok calmed down, but the villagers were incensed with Teebo and sought to banish him from the village. Teebo made his escape using a hang glider, and upon his return, he collected some of the scattered melons and placed them within a box.

Behind the scenes

The fourteenth issue of the Ewoks comic series featured squash melons. David Manak wrote the comic, Warren Kremer provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics published it on March 31, 1987. Initially, the melons were depicted as gray in color, but later panels showed them as orange. This article assumes the orange depictions are an error, since the gray depictions came first and are more numerous.

