Squib Merchandising Consortium

The heart of the Squib government was the Squib Merchandising Consortium. This entity was a galaxy-spanning business that specialized in gathering, repairing, and reselling discarded items. Upon birth, every Squib was automatically considered a member of the Squib Merchandising Consortium, though their level of participation differed significantly. For instance, a Squib diplomat would be deeply enmeshed in the company's operations, whereas the proprietor of a distant trading outpost might have only peripheral ties. The leader of this organization was known as the Illustrious Chieftain of Junkyards. Throughout a significant portion of the Old Republic era and the Imperial Period, this position was held by a Squib named Ebareebaveebeedee.

A significant division of the Merchandising Consortium was the Squib Reclamation Fleet. The consortium was responsible for producing the needle ships that made up this fleet, and these ships systematically scoured the galaxy, recovering waste materials discarded by capital ships. During the time of the Empire, Ebareebaveebeedee orchestrated the placement of Squibs on Imperial vessels, ostensibly as slave workers. However, to the fleet and the consortium, these Squibs functioned as crucial spies, supplying the coordinates of Imperial disposal sites.

The precise connection between the Squib Merchandising Consortium and the Squib Polyanarchy, another Squib government that encompassed the entire species, remains uncertain. It's conceivable that these were the same entity, that one acted as a subdivision of the other, or that they possessed distinct areas of authority.

Behind the scenes

The Star Wars Databank references a Squib enterprise known as "Squib Merchandising," but offers no additional details. It is believed that this is the same corporation discussed here.

