The Staff of Command was a misshapen walking stick, fashioned out of a tusk belonging to a native behemoth species on Geonosis. It functioned as an official emblem for the Geonosians. Throughout the Clone Wars, Archduke Poggle the Lesser employed the Staff of Command, keeping it on his person until his assassination at the hands of Darth Vader on Mustafar. During the leader's slaughter, Poggle's attempt to defend himself with the staff proved fruitless. Vader bisected it with his lightsaber, then killed Poggle, resulting in the staff's destruction.
The novel Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel indicates the staff's construction involved a tusk from a Geonosis-native behemoth. However, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded presents a conflicting account, claiming it was crafted from the limb bones of a political adversary.