
Stagorr, a male Ice Demon who was Force-sensitive, made his home on the forest moon of Endor. He possessed the power to instantly freeze any surface he touched and displayed a basic skill in the use of Force lightning. Before the events of the Battle of Endor, Stagorr found himself in opposition to Logray, the shaman of the Ewok tribe. Stagorr was decisively defeated during a duel on Endor and subsequently imprisoned within Ice Mountain by a spell that bound him to the mountain's frozen confines. Confined to this icy prison, Stagorr plotted his vengeance against Logray, awaiting the ideal moment to strike at the Ewok's most cherished magician.

Years after his initial confinement within Ice Mountain, Stagorr was presented with an opportunity to exact his revenge. While observing Bright Tree Village, Stagorr noticed [Wicket Wystri Warrick](/article/wicket_wystri_warrick/legends], a young Ewok warrior, experimenting with Logray's powerful staff, which was imbued with the Force. Recognizing the potential of Warrick as a valuable hostage, Stagorr transported him to Ice Mountain, thereby instigating another confrontation with Logray. However, Stagorr's magical prowess remained inferior to Logray's power, leading to a final battle that resulted in Stagorr's permanent entrapment, extinguishing any hope of ever defeating Logray.


Early life

Stagorr is imprisoned within Ice Mountain.

On the Outer Rim moon of Endor resided Stagorr, an Ice Demon of male origin. Eventually, he discovered himself in conflict with the Ewoks hailing from Bright Tree Village. Stagorr fought against Logray, the most powerful shaman among the Ewoks. During their confrontation, Logray effectively utilized a magical staff. Stagorr eventually managed to seize the staff from the shaman. However, he discovered that the artifact burned his hand, rendering him incapable of wielding it.

Unable to shift the battle's momentum, Stagorr found himself at the mercy of Logray and his abilities. The Ewok shaman employed the staff to confine Stagorr within Ice Mountain. The Ice Demon was unable to break free from his prison, held captive by potent Force magic. His only connection to the outside world was the ice mirror, a Force artifact capable of displaying any location on Endor. Trapped inside the mountain, Stagorr spent years fixated on Bright Tree Village, meticulously plotting his revenge against Logray.


Stagorr reveals himself to Wicket W. Warrick.

Years following his initial clash with Logray, Stagorr identified an ideal opportunity to carry out his vengeance. Using his magical ice mirror to observe Logray, Stagorr witnessed the young Ewoks Wicket Wystri Warrick, Teebo, and Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka playing with Logray's staff. Recalling the outcome of their previous encounter and the staff's pivotal role in his defeat, Stagorr seized the chance to bring the staff to Ice Mountain while Logray was absent. Utilizing his abilities to alter the ambient temperature, Stagorr extracted the coolness from the air surrounding Bright Tree Village, triggering a heat wave. As Stagorr had anticipated, Wicket used Logray's staff to summon a refreshing breeze from Ice Mountain.

In conjunction with the staff's power, Stagorr generated a Force storm that swept Warrick and the staff away from Bright Tree Village, depositing them at Stagorr's feet inside Ice Mountain. Upon seeing the staff in Warrick's grasp, Stagorr seized the artifact, only to confirm that it still burned him. Despite being unable to wield it himself, Stagorr knew that Logray would come to rescue the young Ewok. Stagorr understood that without the staff, he stood no chance against Logray. Employing a powerful spell, Stagorr brought Warrick under his control, making him susceptible to Stagorr's commands. With his plan in motion, Stagorr watched through his ice mirror as Logray approached Ice Mountain, heading towards his eventual demise.

Friend or foe

As Logray made his way into Ice Mountain, Stagorr dispatched his new slave to eliminate the Ewok shaman. Appalled by his own actions, Warrick turned the powerful staff against his esteemed teacher. However, a blast from the artifact had little effect on Logray; the staff's power could not be turned against its master. Despite the staff's ineffectiveness, Stagorr refused to concede. He ordered Warrick to continue his attack, and the staff was used to dislodge stalactites from the ceiling, threatening to crush Logray. However, Logray's magic disintegrated the falling debris, much to Warrick's relief.

Stagorr finally obtains the staff of Logray.

In a final act born of desperation, Stagorr instructed Warrick to turn the staff on the mountain walls, creating two formidable ice creatures empowered by the staff. These creatures charged to destroy Logray, but Logray swiftly transformed the ground beneath their feet into ice. Unable to maintain their balance, the creatures collided and shattered, no longer under the staff's influence. As his last attempt failed, Stagorr realized that he had underestimated the Ewok shaman and that he would have to confront Logray himself.


Leaving his observation point, Stagorr revealed himself to Logray. Despite Logray's vow to defeat Stagorr once more, he was concerned for Warrick's safety, as the young Ewok remained under the Ice Demon's spell. Recognizing Logray's vulnerability, Stagorr threatened to freeze Warrick with the Force unless Logray relinquished the staff's power to him. With no other option, and Warrick's life hanging in the balance, Logray broke the spell that had prevented Stagorr from wielding the staff. With the spell now broken, Stagorr triumphantly raised the powerful staff above his head.

Certain of his victory, Stagorr paused to taunt Logray before unleashing the staff's power upon him. Unfortunately for Stagorr, Logray used this time to secretly signal Warrick. The young Ewok warrior launched a potion of light crystals above Stagorr's head. As the crystals ignited, creating a dazzling display of light, Stagorr scoffed at the two Ewoks, failing to grasp the significance of this small trick. The light crystals melted the ice above Stagorr's head, causing a cascade of water to pour down upon the Ice Demon. Realizing his mistake too late, the water began to crystallize instantly on Stagorr's form. As the cold temperature of Ice Mountain froze the water, Stagorr struggled to break free, but the process was irreversible. The mighty Ice Demon was frozen in place, becoming a final monument and trap for Stagorr.

Stagorr is frozen solid.


With Stagorr defeated, Warrick apologized to Logray for using his staff without permission. Logray, relieved that Warrick was safe and free from Stagorr's control, readily forgave him. The two Ewoks departed Ice Mountain with Logray's staff, leaving Stagorr's frozen form permanently embedded in the mountain's core. Stagorr's demise eliminated another threat to the Ewoks of Bright Tree Village and served as a further trial in Warrick's journey to becoming a fully recognized Ewok warrior. Warrick's experience with Stagorr reinforced his belief that he was better suited to observing magic rather than practicing it himself.

Personality and traits

Stagorr was a particularly cruel individual, and he exhibited no hesitation in exploiting children to achieve his goals, as demonstrated by his use of Warrick to attack Logray. He was also willing to threaten the life of a child, a conviction he demonstrated when attempting to seize the power of Logray's staff. Stagorr also possessed a twisted sense of humor and was known to laugh maniacally when the downfall of his enemies appeared imminent. Despite the intense rage Stagorr harbored toward Logray for his imprisonment, Stagorr demonstrated remarkable patience. He waited for several years before launching his plan against the Ewok shaman, carefully preparing for the perfect moment. Stagorr was impressed by grand displays of power but indifferent to minor tricks, such as the light crystals that ultimately led to his demise.

Powers and abilities

Stagorr uses Force Lightning on Wicket W. Warrick.

Stagorr possessed a range of unique and formidable Force abilities. Similar to the Snow King who governed the winter season, Stagorr could manipulate the cool winds that originated from Ice Mountain. From his prison within the mountain, Stagorr could influence the weather in Bright Tree Village, suppressing the cool winds to create a state of warmth. In addition to this power, he had an innate ability to transform anything he touched into ice. This very ability would ultimately lead to his downfall when Warrick caused melted water to fall upon him.

Stagorr also possessed other Force powers. To bring Warrick to Ice Mountain, Stagorr could create a Force storm with the aid of the staff; the storm transported the Ewok from Bright Tree Village to inside his mountain. The final power that Stagorr demonstrated was Force lightning, which he unleashed upon Warrick when he felt particularly vengeful.

Behind the scenes

Stagorr made his debut appearance in the sixth issue of Marvel Comics's Ewoks comic series. The issue was released in March of 1986 and was authored by David Manak.

Throughout the comic, Stagorr's abilities are described as magical powers. However, because Ewok totem magic is explained in the Hyperspace article Castaways of Endor as a unique application of the Force, these magical powers are treated as typical Force powers for the purposes of this article.

