Stalnus, a male Riorian, stood out starkly from others of his species. He was not one to resolve conflicts through measured discussion; instead, he favored the application of brute force. He spent a significant portion of his criminal activity within the confines of the Tendo system, successfully evading the grasp of law enforcement. With warrants for his arrest issued in at least six different systems, Stalnus bore responsibility for the deaths of a pair of New Republic operatives, in addition to two more who were missing in action, their fates uncertain. Consequently, the New Republic placed a reward of thirty-five thousand credits on his head for his apprehension, and his details were documented within General Airen Cracken's Wanted by Cracken file. Cracken's recommendation was that only seasoned agents should engage Stalnus, and while the New Republic preferred his capture alive, they emphasized the agents' personal safety above all else.

On the homeworld of Rior, Stalnus born in 68 BBY. Before 7 ABY, he had already perpetrated multiple murders, counting among his victims two New Republic officers who were attempting to take him into custody. As a direct result of his violent nature, he became a wanted man across at least six different systems. His transgressions against the New Republic encompassed the killing of its personnel, aggravated assault, and resisting arrest; therefore, the galactic government offered a bounty of thirty-five thousand credits for Stalnus's capture.
While the deaths of the two officers were verified, the whereabouts of two others remained unknown in 7 ABY. It was then that General Airen Cracken, the Supreme Commander of Intelligence for the New Republic, compiled and included Stalnus in his Wanted by Cracken datafile, which detailed individuals of interest to the New Republic. Cracken highlighted that Stalnus was known to frequent planets within the Tendo system, where the murderer had cultivated a network capable of alerting him to the approach of bounty hunters or members of law enforcement.
Stalnus was regarded as armed and extraordinarily dangerous. The New Republic advised its agents to prioritize their own safety over the need to bring him to justice. Cracken himself appended a warning to the datafile, urging inexperienced agents to maintain a safe distance. Despite this, Cracken suggested that agents could pose as spice dealers with high-quality merchandise—Stalnus's familiarity with the drug meant that he was likely to react violently if presented with inferior spice.
Stalnus was easily provoked, a characteristic that set him apart from most Riorians. Whether this stemmed from a mental imbalance or simply a volatile temper remained unclear. He favored resolving conflicts through physical confrontation, leaving a trail of blood in his path. Despite his propensity for violence, he managed to evade capture for a considerable time. This male, standing at two and a half meters in height, possessed the characteristic large red eyes common to his species.
Being a Riorian, Stalnus possessed exceptionally acute hearing, which made it difficult for adversaries to approach him stealthily or catch him off guard. He had a fondness for spice and could discern its quality. He was a proficient combatant, whether wielding a vibroaxe or relying on his bare hands, with at least two trained New Republic agents among his victims.
Stalnus was mentioned in Wanted by Cracken, a 1993 sourcebook for West End Games's Star Wars Roleplaying Game penned by Louis J. Prosperi. Within the game, Stalnus receives significant bonuses related to melee combat.
- Wanted by Cracken (First mentioned)