Star Forge Robe

The Star Forge Robes were unique Jedi robes originating from the ancient and enormous automated Rakata shipyard known as the Star Forge. These robes featured a lengthy, sand-brown color, with only the chestplate, gloves, and boots deviating from its simple design. However, a Force-sensitive individual wearing it would experience enhanced capabilities. Despite the Star Forge's strong connection to the dark side of the Force, only someone aligned with the light side could properly utilize the robes. During the final battle of the Jedi Civil War in 3956 BBY, the Jedi Revan defeated Sith Lord Darth Malak, leading to the destruction of the Star Forge and the cessation of the robes' production.

Behind the scenes

The Star Forge Robe made its debut in BioWare's role-playing video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which was launched in July of 2003. To create Star Forge Robes, a substantial quantity of computer spikes was required at one of the computer terminals on the Star Forge. The wearer of the robe experienced an improvement in both their wisdom and saving throws. In the game's non-canonical dark side narrative, creating these robes was impossible. Instead, a different set of robes would be produced, resembling but not precisely matching Revan's original Sith robes.

