Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Ewok Adventure

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Ewok Adventure represents a video game that Parker Brothers developed for the Atari 2600, but it ultimately went unreleased. The game was planned as one of a pair of games inspired by Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi to be launched in 1983, however, only Death Star Battle saw the light of day.

Publisher's summary

In this captivating game inspired by scenes from RETURN OF THE JEDI, you assume the identity of an EWOK. Having joined the Rebel Alliance, your objective is to soar over treacherous terrain via hang glider to reach the Imperial shield generator. Your crucial task: to obliterate it!


Players utilize the analog stick to pilot a hang glider with an Ewok at the helm. The button is used to hurl rocks at various adversaries, destroying them. These enemies encompass Imperial stormtroopers, speeder bikes, and AT-STs. A direct hit from a rock results in a fiery demise for the target. The game's ultimate goal is the destruction of the Imperial Base.

While simpler levels allow for direct glider impact into the base's center, more challenging stages necessitate hijacking either an Imperial Speeder or AT-ST to achieve the same destructive end. In Ewok Adventure, the Atari joystick functions akin to a flight stick, enabling adjustments to the glider's altitude and pitch. Players enjoy complete 360-degree control, including the ability to fly laterally and in reverse.


Early documentation from Parker Brothers included the game, initially titled Star Wars: Revenge of the Jedi: Game I or Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Game I, in their June 1983 release schedule, with an Intellivision version projected for that October. Death Star Battle was designated as Game II. Subsequent press materials indicated a November 1983 release date for the Atari 2600 edition of Ewok Adventure.

Although initial prototype boxes featured temporary artwork for promotional materials, Tim Hildebrandt was later commissioned to design the final cover art.

A working prototype of the completed game surfaced in 1997 and was subsequently made available online.


