Here is the entrance to the Smithsonian Exhibition called Star Wars: the Magic of Myth Star Wars: The Magic of Myth, a touring exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution, displayed authentic Star Wars movie props and costumes. Its main goal was to explore the underlying mythical themes present in George Lucas' created worlds and characters. It did this through the lens of Joseph Campbell's highly influential book, The Hero With a Thousand Faces, which served as its guiding framework.
- The original lightsaber of Anakin Skywalker

- Darth Vader's signature lightsaber
- Darth Maul's distinctive double-bladed lightsaber
- Luke Skywalker's iconic green lightsaber
- Obi-Wan Kenobi's belongings
- A Jedi training remote for practice
- IT-O interrogation droid used for questioning
- A FX-7 series medical droid
- A 2-1B series medical droid
- Geonosian executioner cart used in executions
- Han Solo encased in carbonite
- Mouse droid for repairs
- Macrobinoculars for enhanced viewing

- Darth Vader's complete suit and helmet
- Han Solo's attire
- Chewbacca's fur suit
- Obi-Wan Kenobi's robes
- C-3PO's golden plating
- R2-D2's cylindrical body
- Luke Skywalker's garments
- Leia Organa's outfits
- Stormtrooper's white armor
- Snowtrooper's cold-weather gear
- Scout trooper's light armor
- Palpatine's dark robes
- Younglings' training clothes
- Padmé Amidala's royal gowns
- Anakin Skywalker's Jedi robes
- Wooof's attire
- Lando Calrissian's capes and suits
- Boba Fett's complete armor set
- Boushh's disguise armor
- Darth Maul's dark clothing
- Zam Wesell's bounty hunter suit
- Red Guard's crimson robes
- Jawa's hooded cloak
- Tusken Raider's desert wraps
- Imperial officer's formal uniform
- TIE pilot's flight suit
- Rebel pilot's orange jumpsuit
- Gamorrean guard's pig-like costume
- Lyn Me's stage outfit
- Greeata's alien attire
- Rystáll's stage costume
- Weequay's alien garments
- Admiral Gial Ackbar's uniform

- Millennium Falcon spaceship
- Anakin Skywalker's Podracer vehicle
- Zam Wesell's speeder craft
- Anakin's airspeeder vehicle
- 74-Z speeder bike vehicle
- Bantha-II cargo skiff transport
- Sebulba's podracer vehicle
- Tantive IV starship
- Tantive IV Escape Pod vehicle
- Y-wing starfighter
- AT-AT walker
- AT-ST walker
- X-wing starfighter
- TIE Fighter starfighter
- Darth Vader's TIE Fighter starfighter
- TIE Interceptor starfighter
- TIE/sa bomber starfighter
- T-47 airspeeder vehicle
- Tauntaun creature
- Wampa creature
- Viper probe droid droid
- Cloud car vehicle
- Slave I ship
- Mon Calamari cruiser warship
- Tydirium shuttle
- Hang-glider vehicle
- B-wing starfighter
- Imperial II-class Star Destroyer warship

- Yoda character
- Jabba the Hutt character
- Salacious Crumb character
- Rancor creature
- Worrt creature
- Sy Snootles character
- Rappertunie character
The exhibit displayed conceptual art and design pieces from artists such as Ralph McQuarrie, Doug Chiang, John Mollo, Joe Johnston, Norman Reynolds, Nilo Rodis-Jamero, Paul LeBlanc, David Carson and Marilee Heyer. Conceptual storyboards by Alex Tavoularis were also featured.

- Anthony Daniels attended the exhibition's 2002 opening, while Mary Oyaya and Nalini Krishan were guests in January 2003.
- The props and costumes from Attack of the Clones were included only during the Sydney tour.
- Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum ran from October 29, 1997, to January 31, 1999
- The San Diego Museum of Art ran from September 25, 1999, to January 2, 2000
- The Minneapolis Institute of Arts ran from February 27, 2000, to June 4, 2000
- The Field Museum, Chicago ran from July 15, 2000, to January 7, 2001
- The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston ran from March 11, 2001, to June 24, 2001
- The Toledo Museum of Art ran from August 5, 2001, to January 5, 2002
- The Brooklyn Museum of Art ran from February 16, 2002, to June 9, 2002
- Powerhouse Museum, Sydney ran from September 18, 2002, to February 23, 2003
- Star Wars: The Magic of Myth at the Smithsonian on (content is now obsolete; backup link provided)
- " Star Wars Goes To Washington " — Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 13
- The Magic of Myth Hits the Road on (content is now obsolete; backup link provided)