Zam Wesell emerged as a One-Shot Prestige Trade paperback in the year 2002. This publication served as a continuation of the narrative established in Star Wars: Jango Fett.
Zam Wesell possesses all the qualities one could desire: attractiveness, intellect, panache, and the remarkable skill to disassemble and reassemble an EE-3 blaster rifle with incredible speed. Indeed, she seems to have it all. It's therefore unsurprising that she has attracted the attention of Jango Fett, a fellow bounty hunter. Jango requires her assistance in locating and eliminating a potent artifact, one that could unleash devastation if it were to fall into the possession of malevolent individuals. Despite his usual lack of sentimentality, he desires to ensure the safety of the galaxy for his young offspring. However, Zam's objectives are far from altruistic. Her intention is to auction off the artifact to the highest bidder. In a situation where mutual trust is absent and every bounty hunter and rogue in the galaxy is targeting them, who can they possibly rely on?