Star Wars 3-D 1 (also known as Blackthorne 3-D Series 30) is the first issue of the Legends comic book series Star Wars 3-D. It was written by Len Wein, illustrated by Glen Johnson and Jim Nelson, and published by Blackthorne Publishing in December 1987.
A squadron of TIE fighters bears down on the Millennium Falcon as it soars through outer space. Luke Skywalker mans the quad laser cannon while Han Solo jockeys the ship around in a circle, causing several of the TIE fighters to collide with one another. After dispatching the Imperials, Luke asks Han to take him to Tatooine so that he may tidy up some unfinished business.
He visits the shallow graves of his aunt and uncle, Beru and Owen Lars. He has inherited their moisture farm but has no plans on maintaining ownership of it. He now allows the Force to guide him in search of a suitable being with whom he may leave the farm.
Luke and the others rent a landspeeder and travel to Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina. The Force guides Luke to a corner table, where a disgruntled alien named Throgg sits, slowly sipping a drink. Luke learns that Throgg was once a moisture farmer, but the Galactic Empire took control of his farm, forcing him to flee Tatooine. He has only recently returned to the desert planet. Luke offers Throgg the deed to the Lars moisture farm, but Throgg does not trust Luke's intentions.
Meanwhile, several of the cantina patrons recognize Han Solo and Chewbacca and a barroom brawl explodes inside the dimly lit building. Luke leaves the deed with Throgg and jumps into the action. The heroes rush outside only to discover a squad of Imperial stormtroopers marching the street. The Imperials open fire on them, forcing Luke and Han to execute a hasty retreat. They eventually get back to the Millennium Falcon and blast off into outer space.
Later, Throgg takes the deed and visits the Lars moisture farm. Despite his earlier gruffness, he is supremely grateful for this fantastic opportunity to restart his life.
The issue was originally printed with a red/blue "3-D" effect and included a pair of 3-D glasses; the 3-D process was completed by the Fortified Fritsches. A black-and-white version of Star Wars 3-D 1 was collected in Star Wars Omnibus: Wild Space Volume 1 (2013) and Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Rebellion Vol. 3 (2019).
- UPC 015001738661; December 1987 ; Blackthorne Publishing ; First printing [1]