Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron is a video game that represents a side story within the Star Wars: Battlefront series, exclusively for the PSP. Rebellion Developments took on development duties, while LucasArts handled publishing; its launch occurred in 2007 during October. This title marks the third entry in the renowned Star Wars: Battlefront franchise.
The game centers its narrative on Renegade Squadron, a special operations group within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, established and commanded by Col Serra. The story mode consists of 11 distinct missions. Multiplayer functionality is present, supporting up to 16 participants online. Several novel elements are introduced in Renegade Squadron, notably the 16-player online infrastructure support and the ability to personalize player characters. A key difference is that when players gain the ability to spawn as a hero, they instantly become the hero wherever they are instead of respawning at a command post. New features include space heroes, hero Capture the Flag, the ability to enter Capital Ships (previously unavailable on the PSP), an all new Campaign, a brand-new Galactic Conquest, and online leaderboards.

Renegade Squadron's narrative spotlight shines on a band of Rebel agents, brought together under the guidance of Millennium Falcon pilot Han Solo. These agents undertook clandestine operations for the Alliance throughout the Galactic Civil War. The plot appears to stand in contrast to that of Battlefront II, which focused on the Imperial 501st Legion. The story mode is comprised of eleven battles.
Similar to Star Wars Battlefront II, Battlefront: Renegade Squadron features a Campaign Mode defined by specific Mission Objectives, such as the retrieval of artifacts, destruction of designated targets, or elimination of particular enemies. While Battlefront II tracked the Republic and the Rise of the Empire, Renegade Squadron follows Han Solo's Renegade Squadron, under the command of Col Serra. Jedi Master Tionne Solusar engages Serra in conversation regarding his exploits with the Renegade Squadron against the Empire.
- Mission 1: Yavin 4
The formation of Renegade Squadron came about through Han Solo's initiative, with Col Serra agreeing to lead. Their inaugural assignment involved reinforcing Yavin 4. The Squadron played a crucial role in the planet's evacuation following the Death Star's destruction.
- Mission 2: Space Alderaan
Prior to Alderaan's obliteration, Senator Bail Prestor Organa possessed an artifact containing data about a holocron, essential for locating a new base. The holocron was protected by phrik, a durable material that allowed it to survive the planet's destruction. Renegade Squadron successfully retrieved it, overcoming Boba Fett in his ship, Slave I.

- Mission 3: Ord Mantell
Following a battle, Renegade Squadron made a stop on Ord Mantell for necessary repairs and a period of relaxation alongside Han Solo and Chewbacca. Their stay was interrupted by an attack from IG-88 within a cantina, necessitating their escape and his defeat.
- Mission 4: Space Kessel
In their escape from Ord Mantell, the Squadron discovered that Admiral Ackbar had been captured by Imperial forces and was en route to an Imperial prison on Kessel for spice mining. The Squadron was dispatched to liberate him from a Star Destroyer.
- Mission 5: Tatooine
Ackbar informed Col Serra that they were scouting Boz Pity as a potential base when heading for Saleucami, but Boba Fett intercepted and captured them. He sold the crew as slaves to the Hutts on Tatooine and the Squadron was sent to rescue them.
- Mission 6: Boz Pity
Following the successful mission on Tatooine, the Squadron discovered that Boba Fett had placed a tracker on their R2 Unit and tracked them to their new base on Boz Pity, where the Empire attacked them.
- Mission 7: Echo Base
With the Empire discovering their new base on Hoth, the Renegade Squadron was forced to defend it, and was responsible for the ability of the Rebel troops to evacuate safely. The Squadron was even forced to stall Darth Vader himself.
- Mission 8: Space Hoth
After escaping Hoth, the Rebels were ambushed by an Imperial Fleet. They had to continue to help the rest of the Rebels escape, and had to fight Darth Vader in his TIE Advanced.
- Mission 9: Korriban
After Han Solo was unfrozen from carbonite, the Renegade Squadron was put back in business. During the planning stages for the Battle of Endor, the Renegade Squadron was assigned to attack Emperor Palpatine himself. They assaulted Palpatine on Korriban in the Valley of the Dark Lords in an attempt to steal vital information.
- Mission 10: Sullust
As the Battle of Endor commenced, the Renegade Squadron was dispatched to Sullust on a diversionary mission, intended to draw away Imperial forces. However, the Emperor detected their strategy and deployed IG-88, now shielded and seemingly invincible, to trap the Squadron on Sullust, leading to their struggle for escape.
- Mission 11: Endor
With Han Solo trapped and unable to enter the shield generator base, the Squadron was sent to help him.

Galactic Conquest is restricted to the Rebellion and Empire factions. Unlike Battlefront II, Galactic Conquest does not focus on a single ship; instead, units are deployed from planets under your control. At the start, there are an equal amount of planets divided between the factions and a majority of neutral planets to be conquered. The base planets can have up to 150 soldiers, and when attacked, the aggressor must take out the enemy on both space and land battles. Once the primary planet has been taken the game is over, no matter how many other planets are in the enemy or neutral control. The map is divided into four sectors and quadrants with commanders for each. The conquest is divided into four phases:
Treasury A summary of your finances and your total of planets under occupation.
Purchase Allows you to buy comtech, troops, and leaders. Things available for purchase:
Logisitics tech Level one - Starting planetary troop cap of 50. (starting amount) Level two - Brings troop cap to eighty. Costs 250. Level Three - Brings troop cap to one hundred. Costs 500.
Infantry Tech Level one - Starting infantry tech level. (starting level) Level two - Damage reduced by 20%. Costs 500. Level Three - Unlocks Heroes for ground and space battles. Costs 1000.
Space Tech Level one - X-wings, Y-wings, TIE Fighters, TIE Bombers. (starting level) Level Two - A-wings and TIE Interceptors Level three - B-wings, TIE Defenders, Imperial Landing Craft, LAAT
Leaders Darth Vader - Troops slowly regenerate health, heroes may be used more frequently Han Solo - Troops deal more damage during battle, heroes may be used more frequently The Emperor/Mon Mothma - Planetary income increased by 30 credits for every planet in this commander's sector. Leia Organa/Moff Tarkin - Halves the cost of tech upgrades and leaders. Admiral Ackbar/Admiral Thrawn - Allows two moves per turn, but must be launched from the commander's sector.
Movement A time when the player or AI can make a move to take or invade a planet.
Reinforcement A time when players are allowed to move troops from one of their own planets to another planet under their control. Say for example the player were to take a planet. They would require a considerable force from an already controlled planet to defend the newly taken planet. Another planet would then be able to send troops over to reinforce the planet that the invasion party came from.
Sectors and Quadrants
- Southern Quadrant - Naboo, Tatooine, Geonosis
- Western Quadrant - Hoth (land and space when base planet), Endor, Sullust, Mustufar
- Eastern Quadrant - Alderaan (space), Kashyyyk (land and space when base planet), Boz Pity, Saleucami, Kessel (space)
- Northern Quadrant - Ord Mantel, Mygeeto, Yavin IV (land and space when base planet), Korriban
The game does away with a class-based system. Instead, players are given the freedom to tailor their soldier's loadout to suit the demands of each battle.
Players are allotted 100 credits to allocate towards equipment. Each item within a category is assigned a credit value. Players can equip items as they see fit, provided they remain within the credit limit. The player can unequip certain items to regain credits and then equip a different item, allowing for adaptability based on the battle's conditions.
Select a primary weapon. Activated by pressing the Primary Attack button.

- None. 0 Pts.
- Blaster rifle. 25 Pts. A standard infantry weapon throughout the galaxy.
- ARC caster. 30 Pts. Generates an electrical arc that damages the primary target and nearby enemies. Ineffective against vehicles.
- Carbonite gun. 15 Pts. Temporarily immobilizes targets by encasing them in carbonite. The duration of immobilization is proportional to the charge time. Non-lethal and ineffective against vehicles.
- Incinerator. 20 Pts. Projects a wave of intense heat, inflicting significant damage to nearby targets. Minimal impact on vehicles.
- Shotgun. 30 Pts. Fires a spread of bolts, making it extremely effective at close range.
- Sniper rifle. 25 Pts. A modified blaster rifle with enhanced sights and accuracy for long-range engagements. Features an extended zoom function.
- Chaingun. 40 Pts. A high-damage weapon that requires a brief charge-up period and is prone to overheating with prolonged use.
- Bowcaster. 30 Pts. Fires a Spread of bolts. Hold and then release button to launch a deadly charged blast.
- Rocket launcher. 25 Pts. A firing rocket which explodes on impact.
Select a secondary weapon. Switched to using the Next Primary Weapon Button.

- Blaster pistol. 0 Pts. A common sidearm, typically used as a backup weapon. Overheats with excessive use.
- Fusioncutter. 0 Pts. Repairs vehicles, turrets and supply droids. It can also slice into enemy vehicles causing them to over-heat.
- TriShot. 15 Pts. A close range shotgun type weapon firing three bolts.
- EMP Launcher. 25 Pts. Fires an electromagnetic pulse towards targets.
- Explosive blaster pistol. 20 Pts. A blaster pistol firing bolts which explode upon impact, with a small amount of splash damage.
- Grenade launcher. 20 Pts. Lobs grenades towards the target.
- Wookiee Guided Rocket Launcher. 25 Pts. This rocket can be remotely controlled to hit enemies at long range.
- Orbital strike sniper rifle. 20 Pts. Fires a beacon which after a brief delay triggers an ion cannon beam to fire down from the sky at the beacon.
Select explosives. Activated by pressing the Secondary Attack button.
- None. 0 Pts.
- Thermal Detonator. 10 Pts. Standard issue explosives. Once thrown they explode after a short delay.
- Detpacks. 10 Pts. Once dropped they are remotely detonated by pressing Secondary Attack button again.
- Proximity Mines. 10 Pts. An excellent weapon against those who don't watch their step!
- Cluster Grenade. 15 Pts. A powerful grenade that explode in mid-air, separating into smaller charges that scatter and explode on contact.
- Wrist Rocket. 20 Pts. Fired from the wrist, the rockets are fired at targets.
Select a special piece of equipment.
- None. 0 Pts.
- Health and Ammo. 10 Pts. Drops supplies onto the battlefront. Includes various medicines, emergency care tools and ammo.
- Auto-Turret. 5 Pts. Useful for giving additional firepower and protection. Effective when placed to defend a command post.
- Recon Droid. 10 Pts. Deploy and remotely control to gather intelligence. It carries its own blaster pistol and has the ability to self-destruct.
- Stealth Suit. 20 Pts. Technology to make yourself invisible. Drains your stamina while active.
- Jet Pack. 30 Pts. Tap Jump while already in air to activate. Includes the ability to change altitude.
- Jump Pack. 20 pts. To activate the jump pack, tap Jump and then tap Jump again while still in the air.
- Personal Shield. 25 Pts. While activated damage is deflected, however character movement is also restricted.
Select a power-up
- None. 0 Pts.
- Rally. 10 Pts. When activated, it reduces the damage taken by the player and all nearby allies by 50% for a short time.
- Rage. 15 Pts. When activated, it increases the damage of the player and all nearby allies by 50% for a short time.
- Stamina. 5 Pts. When activated, it increases the stamina reserve of the player and all nearby allies for a short time.
- Regenerate. 15 pts. When activated, gives the player and all nearby allies the ability to recover health for a short time.
- Vehicle Auto Repair. 10 Pts. A passive power-up which slowly repairs vehicles and spacecraft while you are inside them.
Purchase these upgrades to increase the speed with which you capture command posts. Also increases the stamina bar of your character.
- None. 0 Pts. Standard Capture Speed and Stamina
- Capture Speed Level 1. 15 Pts. 2 times Standard Capture Speed, 33% more stamina.
- Capture Speed Level 2. 25 Pts. 3 times Standard Capure Speed, 66% more stamina.
- Capture Speed Level 3. 35 Pts. 4 times Standard Capture Speed, twice the standard stamina.
Options for modifying the visual appearance of your squadron. These include five categories: Body, Head, Color 1, Color 2, and Insignia. Head options vary according to the selected Body type, while color choices remain consistent. Each faction has their own Personalization menu with different options. Personalization has no cost.
Assault mode, similar to Battlefront II, is dedicated to space combat. The rules governing space battles are largely unchanged from the previous game, with a few modifications: reinforcement counts replace point totals, mirroring the Conquest mode. Unlike Battlefront II, where victory was achieved by reaching a point threshold, space battles are won by destroying critical systems on the enemy capital ship, leading to a depletion of their reinforcements. Heroes are also available during space combat: rather than respawning as the hero, the player will automatically change to the hero while flying in space, with the option to change their ship into the hero's ship.

A unique game mode featured in Battlefront: Renegade Squadron is Hero Capture the Flag. This mode puts a spin on the classic 2 Flag CTF formula. Each team is tasked with guarding their own flag while simultaneously attempting to seize the flag from the opposing team's base. Victory is achieved by infiltrating the enemy base, or eliminating the flag carrier, and successfully returning their flag to your team's flag respawn point. A thirty-second timer initiates upon a flag being dropped, after which the flag returns to its original position. Players can also secure their own dropped flag to defend it. Should a player carrying their flag be defeated, the enemy is free to take it. The twist lies in the fact that securing your flag at its respawn point, or retrieving it from its respawn point upon its reappearance, transforms you into the hero for that particular map. As a hero, you always possess your own flag and are unable to collect the enemy flag; however, you gain access to all of your special abilities. For example, a standard infantry unit cannot utilize a jetpack while carrying a flag, but characters like Boba/Jango Fett retain this ability.
Battlefront: Renegade Squadron rewards players with a variety of unique accolades for different achievements. These awards are typically available in bronze, silver, and gold tiers. Earning a silver award requires prior acquisition of the bronze version, and obtaining the gold award necessitates both bronze and silver versions.
Tank Buster: symbolized by an AAT
- Bronze: Eliminate 10 vehicles
- Silver: Eliminate 25 vehicles
- Gold: Eliminate 50 vehicles
Rogue Leader: symbolized by an X-Wing
- Bronze: Eliminate 10 starfighters
- Silver: Eliminate 25 starfighters
- Gold: Eliminate 100 starfighters
Jedi Master: symbolized by a lightsaber hilt
- Bronze: Achieve 25 kills as a hero
- Silver: Achieve 75 kills as a hero
- Gold: Achieve 150 kills as a hero
Conqueror: symbolized by a fist
- Bronze: Emerge victorious in 5 battles
- Silver: Emerge victorious in 15 battles
- Gold: Emerge victorious in 30 battles
Flag Carrier: symbolized by a flag
- Bronze: Capture 5 flags
- Silver: Capture 15 flags
- Gold: Capture 30 flags
Capture Master: symbolized by a command post symbol
- Bronze: Capture 10 command posts
- Silver: Capture 25 command posts
- Gold: Capture 50 command posts
Conqueror Supreme: symbolized by a fist against a globe
- Achieve victory in a battle on every map
Hero Vanquisher: symbolized by Darth Vader's helmet
- Eliminate 10 heroes
Super Slicer: symbolized by a Fusioncutter
- Successfully slice into 15 vehicles
Renegade Leader: symbolized by Col Serra's face on a gold medal
- Successfully complete Campaign Mode
Galactic Overlord: symbolized by a gold star
- Achieve victory in Galactic Conquest mode
Multiplayer Maverick: symbolized by a blaster
- Bronze: Accumulate 50 kills online
- Silver: Accumulate 150 kills online
- Gold: Accumulate 300 kills online
Wookiee Life Day Hero: Appears as a Wookiee's face
- Secure the top position on the score table in an online game on December 25th
Endor Day Hero:
- Secure the top position on the scoretable in an online game on July 4
Heroes possess a diverse range of abilities. Jedi characters typically wield lightsabers as their primary weapon and utilize saber throw or Force push as secondary abilities, with a few exceptions like Yoda. Sith characters primarily employ lightsabers, with Force lightning and Force choke serving as interchangeable secondary options. Darth Maul and Darth Vader deviate from this pattern by actively using saber throw. Asajj Ventress and General Grievous utilize lightsabers but have unlimited Power ups, which require time to recharge. Other characters, such as the Fetts and Chewbacca, have multiple primary and secondary weapons, all available in unlimited quantities. Some, like Chewbacca, also possess high-powered secondary weapons, such as remote rockets with near-instantaneous reloads.
- Boz Pity: Admiral Ackbar, Boba Fett
- Endor: Han Solo, Darth Vader
- Geonosis: Mace Windu, Count Dooku, Ben Kenobi, The Emperor
- Hoth: Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader
- Echo Base: Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader
- Kashyyyk: Yoda, Jango Fett, Chewbacca, Boba Fett
- Korriban: Yoda, Count Dooku, Luke Skywalker, The Emperor
- Mustafar: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul, Ben Kenobi, Darth Vader
- Mygeeto: Ki-Adi-Mundi, General Grievous, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett
- Naboo: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul, Ben Kenobi, IG-88
- Yavin IV: Mace Windu, Count Dooku, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader
- Tatooine: Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Grievous, Han Solo, Boba Fett
- Ord Mantell: Kit Fisto, Jango Fett, Han Solo, IG-88
- Saleucami: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Asajj Ventress, Admiral Ackbar, Boba Fett
- Sullust: Kit Fisto, Asajj Ventress, Chewbacca, IG-88
- Space Alderaan: Han Solo, Boba Fett
- Space Kessel: Han Solo, Boba Fett
- Space Coruscant: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett
- Space Mygeeto: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett
- Space Kashyyyk: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett, Han Solo, Darth Vader
- Space Hoth: Han Solo, Darth Vader
- Space Yavin: Han Solo, Darth Vader
Several differences exist, primarily due to Renegade Squadron's PSP exclusivity. Gameplay mechanics diverge, as the PSP features a single analog stick and fewer buttons compared to console controllers. However, the core gameplay remains largely consistent. A significant alteration involves the absence of defined soldier classes. Players can customize their character during battle, proving advantageous in various scenarios. For instance, upon the arrival of an AT-RT, players can modify their character at a command post to equip a rocket launcher for easier AT-RT elimination, reverting to their standard weapon afterward.
Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron incorporates maps adapted from Star Wars: Battlefront II. However, these maps have been reduced in size across the board:
- Hoth - The map is significantly more compact than its predecessor. It features only one AT-AT (which follows a fixed path on rails towards enemy command posts and cannot be controlled by the player), and the Shield Generator is no longer destructible, instead functioning as a capturable command post. The layout of Echo Base has also been slightly modified.
- Kashyyyk - Players are restricted from accessing the area behind the Sea Wall and cannot ascend to the beachfront huts to control turrets on the upper platforms. One command post has been removed, and the command post layout has been altered.
- Naboo - A wall to the west of the Palace command post obstructs the path to the Office and Plaza.
- Mustafar - The Control Room is smaller, and the entrance from the Mining Walkway has been removed (as in the PSP version of the previous game). Notably, however, the map is larger than its counterpart in the PSP version of Star Wars: Battlefront II.
- Mygeeto - The North East Main Platform is absent.
- Yavin IV - Players are unable to reach the Overlook due to a damaged bridge and an invisible barrier preventing river crossing.
- In one of the cutscenes for the Ord Mantell Mission, IG-88 is initially depicted carrying an E-11 blaster and an A-280 rifle, while in-game he wields two E-11s.
- If AATs fire missiles too close to the ground, the missiles may inflict damage on the vehicle itself.
- It is possible to overspend credits by accessing multiplayer, initiating a battle (local or online), customizing settings, and then disconnecting.
- A unique glitch allows players to detach the orb generated by a charged Bowcaster, Arc Caster, or Carbonite Freeze Gun from the weapon, causing it to float in the air for the remainder of the game.
- The Arc Caster glitch is the simplest to execute. Charge the weapon fully, rapidly switch weapons, then land on the Arc Caster. Fire once.
- Two methods exist for creating Bowcaster and Carbonite Freeze Gun orbs. One involves standing near a speeder, holding the X Button (or R Button), and repeatedly entering and exiting the speeder. Then, dismount the speeder and release the X Button.
- When standing near a large vehicle with the incinerator, continuously firing the incinerator while simultaneously entering the vehicle can cause the stream of fire to remain suspended in the air. This glitch does not work with speeder bikes.
- By accessing specific locations on Endor and repeatedly mounting and dismounting a speeder bike, players can fall through the floor.
- It is possible to escape Boz Pity: Proceed to the Rebel command post Sacrificial Chamber, acquire a tauntaun, exit the command post, turn left against the wall, and dismount the tauntaun to fall through the map. If equipped with a jetpack, activate it immediately upon falling to ascend through a ledge. Continuing forward will allow you to move behind the statue and onto the base near the monuments.
- On Endor, activating regenerate immediately before the scene where Chewbacca appears in the AT-ST will display a regenerate circle without a character inside.
- On Kashyyyk, during the Clone Wars era, if playing as Yoda for the republic, enemy AI units will use imperial voice lines while attacking.
- Jango Fett and other villains within the CIS faction will speak with a droid's voice when attacking heroes on the opposing side.
- The "Wookiee Bounty hunter Head" is a replica of Wookie bounty hunter Snoova .
- On Ord Mantell, the junkyard contains numerous familiar vehicles, including an AT-ST head, a damaged Hailfire droid, an ARC-170 starfighter, and a Homing Spider droid.