Star Wars Infinities

InfinitiesLogo "The world of endless Star Wars possiblities"

Star Wars Infinities represents a collection of comic book series, each consisting of four parts, that were brought to publication by Dark Horse Comics.

These comics present narratives that diverge from the established history of the original trilogy, setting them outside the official canon. This contrasts with the majority of Star Wars comics, which are typically considered part of the canon. Each comic explores the potential outcomes if pivotal moments within their corresponding canon source material had unfolded in an alternative manner. Every "episode" commences at the point where the original narrative concludes, ensuring that no connections exist between them.

Individual Comic Books

  • Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope

  • Star Wars Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back

  • Star Wars Infinities: Return of the Jedi

Collected Editions


  • " Comics Link " — Star Wars Insider 53
  • Behind the Bricks: Our Favorite Easter Eggs from LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy - Updated on (backup link)
